moose;117752 wroteOne thing I am wondering is where the hell is Beanie? There is a regular contributor who has disappeared. He used to post a lot of hands and generate good discussions.
Thanks Moose - I appreciate the compliment. As far as what happened to me, I've posted that in a different thread ( to avoid hijacking this one.
As far as this thread goes
The Prophet 22;117570 wroteIf you are a veteran of this board ask yourself where are all the old veterans gone. Pkrfce9 (Greg); magithighs (lou); GTA Poker (Dave); and many others. There aren’t many more post about how to play hands, etc. Since this new forum has come about the quality has gone down. How do we fix it? Any ideas?
BBC Z;117578 wroteLook at all the poker forums, they're all dying out with respect to hand histories and advice. Once you go beyond pot odds and into reads, how can you have a discussion with anyone about a hand? Especially ones you want to talk about with strangers on the internet who don't know your game or how you are percieved?
If someone posts an NL hand and makes a play based on a read, how can you tell them they're wrong? It's pretty hard.
No. What you need are people who think about the game beyond where ever the current level of play is and are willing to have discussions about it. Are there situations out there left to explore in the game? Sure, but they're far more marginal than they used to be and probably more boring.
ScoobyD;117680 wroteIsn't it just possible that some of the people that have been posting here for awhile are somewhat either:
a) Burnt out.
b) Indifferent.
towards posting in general?
Conflicting opinions, but I agree with all. I think that the veterans generally move to a point where there is less to talk about as you pass the "beginner" topics, and these advanced topics are difficult to discuss (more reads based, etc.). I also know that some of the discussions deal with things so core to your game that many consider them too dangerous/valuable/personal to share with the general forum. And if you aren't getting anything out of the forum (since these advanced topics are few and far between), you become very bored with replying to "beginner" posts after a while - you can only go so long "donating" without getting anything in return before you become bored and uninterested.
So basically, veterans eventually grow past the point of needing/enjoying the forum, so the quality of the forum is a reflection of the quality of the fresh blood. The quality of the forum has gone down, but I don't think it's due to the new forum, it's due to the new users. While there have been some "useful newbies", they are vastly outnumbered by the garbage posters. This has a dual effect. First, the forum becomes flooded with posts that provide little enough value that they might as well be spam, and this makes the forum harder to use for "legitimate" users (both new and veteran). Second, this makes the veterans far more cynical and suspicious of new users, and this results in many more sarcastic and unwelcoming posts, thus driving away some newbies. Catch-22.
Personally, I don't see any way to fix this, nor do I see a need to fix this. I think this is the natural ebb-and-flow of message boards in general, so you just need to ride it out.