ATM_GP Folks, What makes a descent dealer in your opinion. Do you like quite just be a robot or chatty let's discuss everything from WWII History to yesterday's Announcement of the Grey Cup name up for sale? Do you prefer informative dealers that let you know where the action is and what the current bets are, or would you rather it be all players for themselves? How much does the dealer affect the overall game? Thanks ATM_GP
Metro The dealer makes 100% difference in the game. You notice it especially at the casinos when the rotate often. When you get a chatty dealer - the players loosen up and become less aware of the action, compared to when you have the robot sitting there rushing the play. For those who have the ability to multi-task an involved dealer becomes an advantage to your game. You can find a lot about your opponents by their conversation - a bad dealer doesnt provide this - therefore you lose valuable information. If I wanted a robot dealer - they have about 10 000 of them on PokerStars at any given time I can use. A good dealer makes it worth while leaving the comfort of your home on a Thursday night in the middle of a blizzard.
pkrfce9 for sure the dealer has a big impact on the game. i want the dealer to keep the game moving smoothly. he should know where the action is, the current bet, etc. and should 'manage' the players who are disrupting the flow. i don't mind a bit of friendly chat as long as it does not take away from the game.
STR82ACE I like my dealers young, flirty, with a dazzling smile, and wearing short skirts with garters and nylons ;) Seriously, though, so long as the game is moving nicely, and that the number of errors is kept to a minimum, being a friendly talkative person only makes the game more enjoyable. A stiff shirt dealer who ONLY deals the game without discussion is not near as much fun as someone who comes off friendly and sociable. Keep the game moving, keep the dealing errors to a minimum, and be friendly. After all, it's as much a social game as it is a profitable one.
JohnnieH STR82ACE;108723 wroteI like my dealers young, flirty, with a dazzling smile, and wearing short skirts with garters and nylons ;) Ah, so Drtyore is your favorite dealer.:D
g2 STR82ACE;108723 wroteI like my dealers young, flirty, with a dazzling smile, and wearing short skirts with garters and nylons ;) You should check out the Pussycat Dolls at Caesar's in Vegas. They meet every one of those criteria :D /g2