Ok, so what do we all think of the emerging tariff war? I'm of the strong opinion thatwe take a strong stand, what say yee?

    Turn America into the 11th Canadian province.

    I think we should make all the states apply individually and then pick and choose the ones we want.

      Canada slapping tariffs on US in retaliation. Starting with around $30 billion CAD right now with something around $100 billion more (I think) in a few weeks.
      So, prices and inflation going up...just wonderful for everyone involved sigh

        trigs would be nice to curb the carbon tax while we slap on tariffs, but nope instead our leadership will carbon tax the tariff tax.

        Would be nice to have confidence in a common sense government just once in my lifetime.

        Starting 'trade wars' with allies /r/WhatCouldGoWrong ?

        That petty megalomaniac tyrant wants Canada's water.
        A great leader would negotiate with allies to get what they need.

        Instead we'll have to contend with gasoline & food shortages, on-going housing crisis, and hyper-inflation.

        $5/L by September next year ?

          thisORthat i believe before everyone gets outraged with trump and tariffs, yes hes an idiot and his 51st state idea is lunacy. We need to remember his request from Canada was simple, secure the border from illegals and drugs.

          Canada's federal government has not provided any means of support or plan of action. Thats a bigger problem than Trump spewing his non sense.

          Both are reasonable requests and will help Canadians.

            The Orange felon and his Billionaire henchman are both quite odious. I'm far less likely to play poker in the USA these days. Now "Las Vegas" might be seen as not really 'standard USA', so I haven't decided on WSOP there in the summer. But for the next few months I'm definitely staying in Ontario and Quebec.


            A couple of points;

            1) Trump did not request anything, he demanded and threatened. He made the tariff threats before he was even in power. I don’t care what his demands are, he doesn’t get to dictate how we run our country.

            2) Our borders are not open, but even if they were, we don’t protect our outgoing borders. If he’s concerned about narcotics or migrants crossing into America, he can feel free to increase the security of his own border.

            3) He has admitted the narcotics and migrants is more of a Mexican issue than a Canadian issue.

            4) Our government does need to provide him a plan of action. They don’t answer to him.

            If Trump had proposed joint efforts to increase border security and combat fentanyl trafficking, I could understand. That not what happened. He wants to give off the impression of being about to bend us to his will, and unfortunately we are letting him. I’m happy we have averted the trade war for a month, but it’s not going to stop here. We have four more years of threats and demands to look forward to.

            Fact or just paranoia?

            Trump wants FBI agents who investigated his coup attempt, his facilitating espionage, or his other financial and criminal activities fired.
            Let’s be very clear: this is how dictatorships start.
            A guy who wants to be a dictator always begins by changing how the government works. Even though the majority of the nation had agreed previously that the government should do certain things in certain ways, he reassures everybody he’s got a better way and it’ll all work out.

            We’re there now. Bondi just announced that the political prosecutions are about to begin. At first they will be going after the police agencies themselves, as a way of bringing them to heel: Terrify the terrifiers.

            Next will be the Press. First they will use financial terror to force compliance; we’re already seeing that with Trump’s lawsuits against all three major networks and multiple newspapers. That will expand. Eventually it will turn into shutdowns and arrests.
            He will remake our schools so they become indoctrination factories for his white, male supremacist worldview and the new authoritarianism.
            He will realign our democratic country away from democratic allies and toward countries run by dictators like he aspires to become.
            He will purge the military of leadership that might resist him and of troops who might refuse his orders.
            He will remake our criminal justice system so it becomes more violent and brutal, opening prisons for “the worst of the worst“ in places beyond the reach of law, like Auschwitz in Poland or Guantánamo in Cuba.

            He will remake our media so it becomes a Greek chorus, singing his praises and carrying his every word.
            By proclaiming, as every dictator does, that divine providence and the blessings of God put him where he is, he will bring the country‘s largest religious institutions to heel.

            He will proclaim grand plans and spectacular efforts, like the Autobahn or remaking Gaza, Greenland, and Panama. They will distract the public from the relentless, grinding destruction of the guardrails of government itself.
            He and his allies will empower civilian militias who will then become his terror shock troops against the people who oppose him. Hitler had his Brownshirts; Republicans in Nassau County are right now trying to field America’s first armed private militia.
            He will remake commerce and business, so the most successful companies are those that throw money and resources at him. Fritz Tyson wrote a book about this, about his shame at facilitating it, titled “Paid Hitler”. Someday, perhaps, Jeff Bezos or Tim Cook will write a similar book.

            America today is early in this process, although it doesn’t typically take very long. It took Hitler 53 days. It took Putin about a year. It took Victor Orban about two years. It took Pinochet less than a week, although he had the help of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger.
            Trump and his project 2025 friends, however, have been preparing for this for four years: They hit the ground running.
            This moment proves that the preservation of democracy requires constant attention and a collective commitment to uphold the integrity of its institutions.

            Right now, though, the only thing standing between democracy and dictatorship in America are public opinion, the media, and the Democratic Party; Republicans have completely caved and the courts move too slowly to stop him.
            Elon Musk and Donald Trump seem to think they can pull this off in a matter of weeks, and so far — because of the cowardice of Republican legislators and the disorganization and lack of leadership among Democrats — they may be right.
            Unless we all stand up and speak out now.

            • Edited

            Trump definitely sounds like a tyrant. We'll see how far he tries to take it.

            I agree with almost everything comp posted...

            Except for the timeline. They are far far further down the road than anyone seems to appreciate. Next will be the press? Fox news, is already in pocket, and if the republicans demonstrated one gigantic hole in the Dems plan it was underestimating social media. Be shapiro, matt Walsh. Tim pool, fucking TWITTER, and Facebook is also bending over. Big project to distract folks? 'oh that's a big one' was the phrase he kept repeating while writing orders... Change the way government works? He's overwriting the constitution with executive orders, and that isn't working, but they'll figure out another way to circumvent things.. If you doubt it, go ask a trans friend or a woman that wants an abortion.


            To add to his, he knows he has less than 2 years, ie the mid terms, which he will try to circumvent. Now what happens to Canada? Our natural resources will look awfully attractive to him being right next door.... De we really think a rematch of 1812 will end up in our favour?

            Now maybe I am being paranoid... or maybe I am just playing around.. or???

            compuease Shut down American access to Canadian Energy. War is over.

            20 (imho horrible) executive orders Trump has already made in his 2nd term:

            1. authorized economic sanctions against the international criminal court (ICC) and accused them of improperly targeting the US and Israel - this means he can impose asset freezes and travel bans against ICC staff and their families if they try to investigate or prosecute US citizens or their allies

            2. created a task force to end all forms of "anti-Christian targeting and discrimination" in the government - this goes against the separation of church and state

            3. banned transgender athletes from participating in women's sports

            4. stopped funding the UN agency for Palestinian refugees and withdrew from the UN human rights council

            5. placed tariffs on Mexico, China and Canada

            6. ordered a detention facility at Guantanamo Bay to be built that could hold up to 30,000 deported immigrants

            7. stopped gender transitions for people under 19 and called on the Department of Justice to vigorously pursue litigation and legislation to oppose the practice

            8. reshaped the military by removing diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, and eliminating "gender radicalism"

            9. ordered a review of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) because he claims there is "political bias" in the agency

            10. ended birthright citizenship (this one was blocked as it is protected under the 14th amendment - literally a constitutional right he tried to get rid of)

            11. had the US exit the World Health Organization (WHO)

            12. renamed the Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America and Alaska's Mount Denali to Mount McKinley

            13. revoked a Biden order aimed at making half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 electric and he's promised to roll back auto pollution standards as well

            14. reclassified thousands of federal employees as political hires in order to make it easier to fire them

            15. declared a national energy emergency to push pro-fossil fuel actions and plans to roll back restrictions in drilling in Alaska

            16. removed "gender ideology guidance" from federal government communication, policies and forms and made it official that there are "only two genders, male and female"

            17. rescinded a dozen (technically 78) Biden-era executive actions that included racial equity and combating discrimination against gay and transgender people

            18. declared a national border emergency at the southern border which allows US troops to be sent to implement hardline immigration policies

            19. issued pardons for all Jan. 6 defendants and dismissed cases currently in progress

            20. withdrew from the Paris climate agreement and referred to Biden's effort to grow the US's clean energy sector as "the green new scam"

            And today he or his cohorts seem to be saying that the judicial branch has no right to tell the executive branch what it can or can not do. ie "Now let them try to enforce it."
            We may end up with an impeachment this time if enough Republicans have the balls to stand up to him. Trouble is I think it requires 50% to effect an impeachment in congress but 63% in the senate. Definitely could end up with a constitutional crisis at the least.

            J.D.Vance and his comments back in 2021.. Kinda scary that he is the current VP and next in line. scan to the 27 min mark,