Pokerroom - trendwrecker
Party - Haddon
supreme - trendwreck
JohnnieH wrote
JohnnieJH for Paradise, Absolute and Party.
...and Homerbuddy at Pokerstars
pokerstars -> klink1983
I am NFLPIT most everywhere
JakAceSuited - Paradise (most often)
lvl99 - Party
Jgalvin - Stars
:js :as
hey guys, new to the site, alias is Cyclone306 pretty much everywhere, mostly play at paradise and pokertime (free 10$!)
anyhow just saying hello
LuckyPaul at pokerstars and partypoker hopefully the name aint taken at any new place I try.
alekat472 at absolute poker, had to add the 2 because somebody already had alekat47 (whats the odds)
Haha, tonight I heard the BEST poker handle ever... "on welfare" haha.
At every site I've played at so far I've been able to get my handle0" Shtebs". So if you're playing against a Shtebs it's more than likely me. Also be prepared to watch some donk beat me with incredible hands like J8o all-in preflop. I play at party poker most of the time now.
nordique or nordique 16 on all sites
I am sixtix69 on Party, and then sixtix on everyother poker site out there.
Seeya at the tables
I use sweet16 on one site, and you should see all of the sick pedophile poker players out there! Of course I egg them on, and take their money, stupid horny buggers! :D
WOW. I got a rather long list
absolute, stars and full tilt I am JRMDES
Hollywood poker jdawg 1976
tigergaming pokerjoe19
party pokerjoe1976
empire (can;t remember)
always ChrisWinsor. Playing some Pokertime and Absolute poker freerolls which are pretty sweet. Got 13 dollars in one which i shoulda made more in, but lost my all in with a 64 suited call to my k9o (was bb had about 9 times it left made a move trying to take the blinds) he hits a 6 and im out. Gonna play in PokerStars sometime soon.
Moosejaw_Man on party poker, but I pretty much only play freerolls there
thathoser on pokerstars
Im juicedup at UB :D
TimTheE on PokerStars
New one for me:
Eighty8 on Planet Poker
REPOM4N is all over watching YOU.
Make sure you make your car paiements on time...