The Prophet 22
6 hours and 20 minutes til play begins. All the directions have been sent, and the seating assignments given, we trust that it will truly be a great day for everyone. Remember to eat before you come as playing a day at West Side, means a long day of poker until the dinner break.
Brent and Cam
PS This is where I will post the results when it is all over
1st out: me!
First thing I thought when I saw this post was.....
DAMNIT! Did I sleep through it? LOL.
1st out Greg? I'll support that ;)
Hey Boyz,
I just wanted to say that u guys run a good tourny. Also, I pre-regestered but i did get the directions. Can someone help a brother out?
The Prophet 22
Well the results are in and a new West Side Poker Champion has been declared at 11:43pm it is the DrTyore himself becoming the new champion, with a little help from Mario Itsame. I will explain later today and give you a break down of how the day went thanks to everyone for making the day a huge success.
Prophet 22
So I can give a quick report...
First, I arrived at the Westside poker game, intending only to help out Brent and Co, setting up, and maybe dealing when needed. However, things didn't work out quite so well thanks to my good buddy Mario!
Mario told me I need to play the game, and staked me the $65 entry fee, which turned out to be a damned good investment (and apparantly, I'm the only one that thought so besides him!). Anyways... my first table was an intersting mix... with "Magithighs" Lou, and a few other people that I didn't know well, but ended up being quite the challenge.
For the first few hours, I was lucky to coast through, barely maintaining my slightly above-average chip stack. However, shortly the blinds caught up to me, and I found myself in pushing territory. My first push was with an M of about 4, and I pushed from UTG with 9c5c, hoping to steal. The SB however woke up with AJ, and he was shorter than I.. however, the flop of 5-9-8 was nice, and the turn 5 really sealed that one. A few hands later I got involved with Lou who raised to 2500 (blinds 300/600/50 ante), and I called with 44 in the BB. Flop of 338 didn't look scary, so I pushed all in, but Lou called with A-8... my luckboxing turn of 4 helped me out there as well however, and I was suddenly relevant again.
Not much interesting happened for a while as people came and went. CPF'ers "Kristy Sea" and "EElliot" were moved to both sides of me with bigger stacks than I, however, it is not fun being stuck between the "Boob raise people"... don't ask... I managed to use my skill to get moved to another table, only to have "Str82ace" Aj and "2bullets" jeremy at my table.. great... :) I tread water for a while, but make a few nice hands here and there, one with a "Let's get the short stack who's in the BB to call when Jeremy raises with AJ and I limp with AQ.. haha.." but the BB folded.. thank god for the K-J-10 flop ;)
During dinner break, 2bullets and I hit the subway, and he informed me that apparantly we were the favored to win this thing... well, i said let's eat a lucky sub! What do you know, but about 2 hours after dinner, the bubble bursts, and awhile after that, BAM... final table, with Jeremy at 200,000+chips for chip lead, and me in 2nd with 180,000! :)
Final table was nutty, a few short stacks having to push (including after my raise with A6o where I had to call and totally outplayed his AJ all in when I turned my 6). Jeremy had one hand where he put two people all in, and was a massive favorite with his 10-10 against K-8 and K-8, leaving them two outs, however the legend lives on as a king flops, and then the K-8 of spades goes on to flush and triple up. Jeremy got TOTALLY hosed when he went all in and Francis (another big stack) "called" from the SB, but didn't hear Jeremy's all in move... oops... A7 vs. Q4o, and a flopped 4 puts Jeremy out... most unfortunate. :( This brought us to 4 players, Francis, Myself, Carmaker and some other guy whose name escapes me - he went out shortly after luck-chopping a few hands. Three handed, and Francis on the dealer button raises the minimum (which BTW is 40,000!!!), and carmaker calls.... I look down to see AKo, and decide that pushing is a great idea. Francis folds and carmaker says "Damn, I got a great 3-person hand... you're making a move" and calls himself all in with KQ... can't blame him.. I'd been pushing a lot of crazyness, but I hold up, and it's down to Francis and I...
Francis wonders if I'm up for a chop (1st was 2100, and 2nd 1200). Considering that there's essentially 600 on the line in chop terms, I offer him 1800/1500 for me since I have a little over 600,000 out of 1.1 million chips. He offers 1500 each and we play for 300... though it's a horrible chop, I kinda want the title, so I agree.
Heads up lasts 4-5 hands total. I raise the first hand 50k, he calls, and I continuation bet on a raggedy flop, he folds. I give him the second hand no contest. The third hand I raise again, and he folds pre-flop. The fourth hand, I limp with 3-4, and he checks. flop comes 2-4-7, he raises 50k, and I look at his stack (I may have missed some hands in here) and he has only 150k left (blinds are crazy/fucktarded with an insane ante). I raise him all in, and he ponders... he says something along the lines of "fuck it" and calls with 2-3... no help, and I'm a Westside champ for $1800!!!
Mario of course takes his 50% (DOH!), but I'm pretty damned happy to have the title and some cash! Great game all, and Brent... I'm in for next month
So I can give a quick report...
First, I arrived at the Westside poker game, intending only to help out Brent and Co, setting up, and maybe dealing when needed. However, things didn't work out quite so well thanks to my good buddy Mario!
Mario told me I need to play the game, and staked me the $65 entry fee, which turned out to be a damned good investment (and apparantly, I'm the only one that thought so besides him!). Anyways... my first table was an intersting mix... with "Magithighs" Lou, and a few other people that I didn't know well, but ended up being quite the challenge.
For the first few hours, I was lucky to coast through, barely maintaining my slightly above-average chip stack. However, shortly the blinds caught up to me, and I found myself in pushing territory. My first push was with an M of about 4, and I pushed from UTG with 9c5c, hoping to steal. The SB however woke up with AJ, and he was shorter than I.. however, the flop of 5-9-8 was nice, and the turn 5 really sealed that one. A few hands later I got involved with Lou who raised to 2500 (blinds 300/600/50 ante), and I called with 44 in the BB. Flop of 338 didn't look scary, so I pushed all in, but Lou called with A-8... my luckboxing turn of 4 helped me out there as well however, and I was suddenly relevant again.
Not much interesting happened for a while as people came and went. CPF'ers "Kristy Sea" and "EElliot" were moved to both sides of me with bigger stacks than I, however, it is not fun being stuck between the "Boob raise people"... don't ask... I managed to use my skill to get moved to another table, only to have "Str82ace" Aj and "2bullets" jeremy at my table.. great... :) I tread water for a while, but make a few nice hands here and there, one with a "Let's get the short stack who's in the BB to call when Jeremy raises with AJ and I limp with AQ.. haha.." but the BB folded.. thank god for the K-J-10 flop ;)
During dinner break, 2bullets and I hit the subway, and he informed me that apparantly we were the favored to win this thing... well, i said let's eat a lucky sub! What do you know, but about 2 hours after dinner, the bubble bursts, and awhile after that, BAM... final table, with Jeremy at 200,000+chips for chip lead, and me in 2nd with 180,000! :)
Final table was nutty, a few short stacks having to push (including after my raise with A6o where I had to call and totally outplayed his AJ all in when I turned my 6). Jeremy had one hand where he put two people all in, and was a massive favorite with his 10-10 against K-8 and K-8, leaving them two outs, however the legend lives on as a king flops, and then the K-8 of spades goes on to flush and triple up. Jeremy got TOTALLY hosed when he went all in and Francis (another big stack) "called" from the SB, but didn't hear Jeremy's all in move... oops... A7 vs. Q4o, and a flopped 4 puts Jeremy out... most unfortunate. :( This brought us to 4 players, Francis, Myself, Carmaker and some other guy whose name escapes me - he went out shortly after luck-chopping a few hands. Three handed, and Francis on the dealer button raises the minimum (which BTW is 40,000!!!), and carmaker calls.... I look down to see AKo, and decide that pushing is a great idea. Francis folds and carmaker says "Damn, I got a great 3-person hand... you're making a move" and calls himself all in with KQ... can't blame him.. I'd been pushing a lot of crazyness, but I hold up, and it's down to Francis and I...
Francis wonders if I'm up for a chop (1st was 2100, and 2nd 1200). Considering that there's essentially 600 on the line in chop terms, I offer him 1800/1500 for me since I have a little over 600,000 out of 1.1 million chips. He offers 1500 each and we play for 300... though it's a horrible chop, I kinda want the title, so I agree.
Heads up lasts 4-5 hands total. I raise the first hand 50k, he calls, and I continuation bet on a raggedy flop, he folds. I give him the second hand no contest. The third hand I raise again, and he folds pre-flop. The fourth hand, I limp with 3-4, and he checks. flop comes 2-4-7, he raises 50k, and I look at his stack (I may have missed some hands in here) and he has only 150k left (blinds are crazy/fucktarded with an insane ante). I raise him all in, and he ponders... he says something along the lines of "fuck it" and calls with 2-3... no help, and I'm a Westside champ for $1800!!!
Mario of course takes his 50% (DOH!), but I'm pretty damned happy to have the title and some cash! Great game all, and Brent... I'm in for next month
Congrats Mark!
No surprise to see Carmaker at another Westside final table.
Congrats Mark. Well played game. Figured it was going to be 2Bullets though, but nice to see you take it down as well.
Brent & Co...again, and excellent well run tourney guys. Thanks, and keep up the great work. Definitely be back again.
Don't know what happened to me there at the end, I kept gapping the blinds completely and making errors leading into the pot. The blinds were insane, and I think my mind completely blanked on them. What can you do.
Congrats Mark. When you, Mario and I were having a beer at the bar prior to the game, I should have invested half the stake with Mario! Well done!
Congrats Mark (and to Mario) :)
Congrats Mark!! Had to know it was your day when you came back from the dead at our table. Hopefully my day will be next week at the BCC tournament.
Congrats Mark!
Thanks again to Brent for hosting a great tournament :)
Well done Mark, woohooo!
Very very nice Mark..... Congrats, guess your not a total Donk anymore....:)
Congrats Mark!
The Prophet 22
West Side Poker Club would like to thank all those who came out to our first event of 2007. We have had problems before that we have had to deal with in our tournaments like the power going out, somebody having an epileptic seizure, as well as a few other things.
Yesterday, we waited for someone to come and open the doors to the hall. Finally an hour before the tournament was suppose to start, we got the doors open and began setting up. Then we had computer problems. Now we had a paper copy of those who had signed up for the tournament and had done pre seated table assignments but between but with half the tables being full and trying to fill the up with the walk ups we decide the most random seating we could do to get the tournament started was to allow players to sit where any where they could find a seat. It turned out there were 14 people without seats. We quickly set up 2 more tables and final got started 30 minutes late with 110 people.
The final 9 players formed the final table with the top 11 players making the money Jon L finished 11th for 120.00 and Eleanor finished 10th for 150.00 and the 12th person being the bubble we gave out a free 65.00 entry into February’s tournament. We also gave a free 65.00 entry February tournament for the first person out.
The final table started as follows:
Seat Player Approximate Chips Prize money Final Position
Seat 4 Mark 180,000 1800.00 1st
Seat 5 Francis 74,000 1500.00 2nd
Seat 7 Carmaker 123,000 610.00 3rd
Seat 6 Ash 158,000 500.00 4th
Seat 2 2bullets 272,000 430.00 5th
Seat 9 Mike M 79,00 300.00 6th
Seat 1 Luke 63,000 270.00 7th
Seat 3 Brad 55,000 240.00 8th
Seat 8 Ian C 56,000 210.00 9th
There was a chop but Mark still one the heads up battle.
We trust that you had a good time and will enjoy us again February 17th as we do it again.
Brent and Cameron
First off I would like to Congratulate Mark! Well done and well deserved – everyone has cold runs it takes perseverance to continue through the bad times to get to the good. Mark, I truly hope this is the just the beginning of better things.
It would be remiss to not acknowledge that at every Westside event there is always more than a single winner. Mark won the tournament; but the poker community as whole comes out ahead, not necessarily monetarily, but the experience of playing at these events is an excellent one.
The tournament process, once begun, was seamless. This with over a 100 players and operating on two floors! I bowed out once we were down to 5 tables when my 66 was
Out flopped by AK – but this was just the beginning of the day.
I was elated to go down stairs and find, not just 1, not just 2, but 3 cash games operating simultaneously!!! Although I was apprehensive to enter a game with only $75, I didn’t much want to drive to find a bank machine. At midnight there was still a fully operational game, enough poker to fill everyone’s needs, I cashed out for a total of $440, and a few beers (since the bartender was nice enough to accept my chips ).
So, congratulations to DrTyore for taking it down and a big Thank-you to Westside for a top-notch day!