The1010PokerRoom Come Join us at The 1010 Poker Room for the best 2$-5$NL Action in Montreal! We've been providing Montreals finest poker players with the greatest games and best service for over a year now and we're only growing stronger! Enjoy -LOW RAKE -PROFESSIONAL DEALERS -SAFE ENVIRONMENT -AND GREAT SERVICE Friday - 2$-5$nl Cash Games Sunday - 2$-5$nl Cash Games Tuesday - 2$-5$nl Cash Games All Cash Games and Tournaments start at 8:00PM Minumum Buy-in 100.00$ Maximum Buy-in 500.00$ Promotions 20.00$ Referral Bonus if you bring a friend. For Reservations, Directions or suggestions please feel free to contact me via email or my cell at any time. 514.831.2151 __________________ Thank You Matt The1010PokerRoom