Just a reminder that these events take place this weekend.
Amanada, Dan, Miranda, Aimee and myself qualified for the GC.
Compuease and his band of rocks qualified for the full house frenzy.
Yep, 5 of us will be there tomorrow, and also for the event on Sunday after we all make the final 8....... :) We plan on winning the poker cruise and the WPT boot camp....
I'll be playing in championship tournaments elsewhere this weekend for a WSOP seat, but good luck to all the Rocks, Pimps and Hoes ;) in the Pirana Poker Tour championship events. I look forward to a trip report.
Last fall's Season V grand championship was the best run yet, where they followed my suggestion of using the WPT blind structure. The winner won a WPT seat and made it past the first day. By the way, the WPT Canadian Open will be broadcast at least three times this weekend at CITY TV, including 8 PM tonight.
compuease;113421 wroteWe plan on winning the poker cruise and the WPT boot camp....
So Did the rock make it to sunday or did they all bust... ?????
Judy P finished 3rd out of 170 yesterday, none of the rest of us made it through. She played great and really could have won it with one more winning hand... Not sure if you will recognize her. She will be there with her significant other Dave B. They both played at the Olympics and Dave played at the Ryder and I believe she played at Ryder 1 as a fill in with one of the teams. Look her up if you can. Good luck to you guys.. Jeff..
OK did you guys not think the blinds were a little insane.???
We know that guy who won the fullhouse frenzy. and Jeff you know mario (itsame). This guy makes him look like a tight ass player or how ever Joe said it.. As Joe said we stopped playing poker after, the first two hours, now its a crap shoot and i would rather roll dice then do this.
I was out pretty early, :( but had a great time watching Joe and Amanda play. Joe had a pretty big chip stack, and lost a few hands. Then he lost one huge hand to the guy next to him. Joe had k6 suited. Buddy beside him had k10o. I beleive the only reason the guy called joe was because he had seen his 6 when the guy dealing almost flipped the king and joes 6. I saw both clearly and beleive buddy beside Joe saw them too. I think buddy was puttin JOe on ace6 suited.. Joe lost large. next had Joe says to me I am gonna go all in. All he has left is enough for the big blind and ante. and maybe 200 left behind.He Gets 92 off.. gets three callers and wins with two pair.. triples up.. ok enough for now my keyboard is dying ... It needs new batteries.. lol :) Joe can tell the rest.......
Yup Drunken Matt from Bradford (Pokerjah will recognize him as one of the Bradford Calling stations) took down the full house Frenzy.
For all of Buddy's patience factor calculations he should really show them to the Pirana people. 25/50 for 30 minutes 50/100 for 30 minutes, then 100/200 for 20 minutes, then 200/400 for 20 minutes then 300/600 for 20 minutes, then 15 minute blinds for the rest of the tourney. I couldn't believe the blinds went from 500/1000 to 1000/2000 with 100 ante..... When we got down to 2 tables (and no clock stoppages during consolitations) I had 70,000 in chips the chip leader had 134,000, he had just over 6 BB at this point with the blinds at 10,000 20,000 with 1000 ante, this was the point I busted out, pushing with QT suited and getting called by AQ. I flopped an open ended straight draw but couldn't find my other card. I saw some pretty amazing calls for all the chips from people..... One guy called a raise and all in re raise for all his chips with J 2 off and took it down.
As Aimee said my 9 2 won a large all in with basically the ante and one BB left to get me back into contention. The poker stopped after 2 hours and the bingo started. I would have preferred 3 hours of flippaments than what happened. If this is the best they can do for their Grand Championship they really need to look at how it's run. I would have preferred 15 minute blinds all the way through and a more gradual blind structure. Introducing an ante when they did was very un poker wise. Ante's coming in as a norm at the 100 200 with a 25 ante would have been fine.
The highlight of the day was when Easy got moved to my table and I had position on her..... couldn't steal her blind but with her 2 people over I at least had someone to chat with.....
Most pirana's couldn't believe we played one event and got to the GC....
Zithal, you should really go and educate the pirana's on blind structure. And Buddy if this is the kind of tourney's you play in, you should never complain about blind structures again. :)
So how long was it beginning to end? The Frenzy didn't really seem that bad for a freeroll, it took just over 5 hours. Was the GC less? As for the guy that won the Frenzy, he was a gambler for sure, how did he do yesterday?
compuease;113553 wroteSo how long was it beginning to end? The Frenzy didn't really seem that bad for a freeroll, it took just over 5 hours. Was the GC less? As for the guy that won the Frenzy, he was a gambler for sure, how did he do yesterday?
LOL I outlasted him then drove him home. 5 hours we were at the final table. We left before the final table was done, but it wasn't going to be long before it was over. As we left there was a 3 way all in going on, blinds were 15,000 30,000 with a 2000 ante I believe with a top chip stack of under 200K.
There was no such thing as a meaningful raise so I just pushed if I was going to play. I was shocked at the people who would limp, call an all in. If I am willing to call an all in I am entering with a raise.
I can't complain for a free roll, but organization isn't there strong point. I gave a few of my own suggestions on here and I"ll probably post them on the pirana site as well.
AcidJoe;113561 wroteI gave a few of my own suggestions on here and I"ll probably post them on the pirana site as well.
Yes, forum members here who played should
post and
email their feedback/suggestions there. There is no shortage of bad blind structures with casinos, clubs, home games and freeroll tours, but only if enough people complain will there be hope for improvement. I do agree with compuease that a 5-6 hour FREEROLL tournament is much better than the $100+ tournaments that have similarly low "Skill Levels."
If forum members want another fun Poker Olympics to qualify for their championships, be sure to let them know. I have rarely played there this year, but from what I heard, their Poker Olympics will be replaced by a NLHE-only format where only the point leaders from each region will be allowed to participate.
If forum members want another fun Poker Olympics to qualify for their championships, be sure to let them know. I have rarely played there this year, but from what I heard, their Poker Olympics will be replaced by a NLHE-only format where only the point leaders from each region will be allowed to participate.[/quote]
Wow, Good way to get more people involved in your pirana poker league.
Or maybe a few noses where bent outta shape because the forum members from here came in and cleaned house. I find that most of those players when asked us where we played and how we got to this tourney yesterday where very shocked that we all only played one event. But we earned it just as they did. Only we did not have to spend weeks and nights on end in a bar playing for a seat.
I dont see the pirana poker lasting long if that is how they are going to treat people. Beside if i was going to play poker every night of the week I had best be winning some kind of money, not spending, money on food and booze to help the bar that this is held in. But if that is how these people want to go and play poker so be it. and i guess it works for them. But at least, be polite to new players and treat them with some respect..
AcidJoesHoe;113577 wrote
I dont see the pirana poker lasting long if that is how they are going to treat people. Beside if i was going to play poker every night of the week I had best be winning some kind of money, not spending, money on food and booze to help the bar that this is held in. But if that is how these people want to go and play poker so be it. and i guess it works for them. But at least, be polite to new players and treat them with some respect..
Well Pirana's been around for 3+ years now and while I'm not a big fan and don't play anymore it's not because of lack of organization or impoliteness... That happens everywhere, buy-ins of all amounts... we can't compare this to our own locally hosted, rake free events with long blinds and great people. That is not the real world. And not to pick on you Aimee, I have great respect and fondness for yourself and Joe, but remember very few people are winning money consistantly, most are long term donators so these "free" bar tourneys are nothing more than fun events where if you enjoy them for what they are, an evenings entertainment, you can learn to play better and keep yourself on the plus side financially... :)
compuease;113668 wrote... we can't compare this to our own locally hosted, rake free events with long blinds and great people. That is not the real world.... :)
Awww... compuease thinks I'm out of this world. I'll take that as a compliment.
g2;113670 wroteAwww... compuease thinks I'm out of this world. I'll take that as a compliment.
It is, and to Rob, and Trevor and Eric, and Brent as well, even though his is raked, it is still by far the best I have played in for under $300. We are very lucky to live in this geography.
I dont take any offence to what you have said Jeff..
It is just how I feel. and I understand that a person is not going to win always. But, on the other hand, as I did say if they want to spend most nights ina bar spending money on booze and food, and playing poker for nothing so be it. I really dont think those players get any better playing like that, but if they beleive that then so be it..
As to saying that are locally hosted events. (IF this is how I am reading this)
Are not real. ????? I would rather play any day of the week in these events, then going to a bar. Least I know I have to play good poker in order to get ahead and hopefully end up with a good finish. IN the parana thingie. a person can just turn around an d say oops i have to leave now and there chips are then takin off the table. That is not good poker. Any ways
I really dont want to get into this more lol... But, It was how I felt about it
and if they last longer good for them. But I really dont think they will get the real players out much.
I can almost bet the guy who won the sunday tourney, will not do well in the boot camp. or learn anything. As to were one of you guys (the rocks), or anyone who really knows poker would. I know any of us who played would have takin great pleasure in being able to learn from the pros.
But Good luck to the winner..
All I'm saying Aimee, is don't be too hard on Pirana, they fill a need and I think do it fairly well with the time constraints they have to work with. As for our "locally" run low buyin tournies, (Rob, Trevor, Greg, Eric, etc), I'm certainly not putting them down. It's just that the structures, ie blind levels, times, etc we play in these are so much better than we would get anywhere else at these costs that we tend to think all structures should be this good. I've played lot's of casino tournies, typically $100. or so buy-ins that have nowhere near the play we are used to here locally.
As for your comment on whether or not you can improve playing the free bar tournies, I think you can, minefields are minefields, ya gotta learn how to deal with em. There may be more mines in the bar tournaments but believe me there are mines everywhere, even in the WSOP I'm sure. (mines = donkeys or whatever your term of preference is).
I was not sure what you ment by the comment not the real world.. I understand now.
I do agree with you on this. I still think that no matter where you play, and who you play with, can become a block. Meaning, that if you restrict your playing of any sport or event to only one place, you can out grown that. In keeping things changing is usually how we grow in a sport or poker or whatever it is you like to do. Specially I think in the bar poker playing, only because it brings out the same people every day or week, and few new players. That is one of the reasons why, I do not play in the local bars here anymore, I just find the competion not very good. I do agree with you on playing with those different types of players helps one to learn how to deal with that kind of player or players. But at the same time it becomes same old same old, and I find you start to pick up some bad habits.
All I was trying to say is if the parana's want to expand, there field of players they should welcome new ones a little better then what we were. For one when we all played in the olympics (however you spell that right) there was some pretty pissed people that, we as new comers won.. For the ones who have played with us previous to that , they were nice and talked to us like humans. I was just surprised at the amount of feed back on the you only played one game to make it here attitude.. for this weedends tourney..
I like to play at any event in KW, even if we have all played before together many times. I like to play at the casinos around here as well. Online poker too of course. I t makes for interesting, and learning great. I guess if I would have looked at it all this way I would not be typing any of th is ..
Lesson, learned... :)
A couple of players have
posted feedback about the Grand Championship, so AcidJoe, AcidJoesHoe, etc. can post their complaints there.
compuease;113886 wroteAs for your comment on whether or not you can improve playing the free bar tournies, I think you can, minefields are minefields, ya gotta learn how to deal with em. There may be more mines in the bar tournaments but believe me there are mines everywhere, even in the WSOP I'm sure.
very few people are winning money consistantly, most are long term donators so these "free" bar tourneys are nothing more than fun events where if you enjoy them for what they are, an evenings entertainment, you can learn to play better and keep yourself on the plus side financially
I couldn't agree more with compuease. The freeroll bar tours provides you with live poker experience without risking your bankroll. The GTA Piranas have proven at the Royal Cups that a lot of live experience can help you make money against great players, even at different games like Omaha and Stud.
The "long term donators" would lose so much less money if they first learned how to play poker properly in bar tours. If I had not first played with the Milton Rocks and other bar tour players before making the leap to West Side Poker Club and other real money games, I would have been one of those bankrupt donators instead of a winning player now.