The Prophet 22 6 hours and 20 minutes til play begins. All the directions have been sent, and the seating assignments given, we trust that it will truly be a great day for everyone. Remember to eat before you come as playing a day at West Side, means a long day of poker until the dinner break. Brent and Cam
Metro For Anyone Reading This Before They Go - Let Brent Know I Will Be There - Post And Fold Me If Necessary!!
magithighs Kristy_Sea;105743 wroteThanks for a great tournament as always Brent! How deep did you go? Who's left? Cheers Lou
Kristy crippled on a OESD and Flush draw, eventually busted out..19th, I think. The only forumer left at my table was ElElliot. -Hope she took it down!
DrTyore There was at least two other forum-ers... and sorry, "E" didn't take it down... Though a forumer did... WHOOO HOO! :) Mark
ElElliott I went out 10th. Bah! Monkey mind goes blank and I push all-in with 56c. AQ (original raiser) quickly calls and I get no magical cards to keep me in the tourney. I busted on the final table bubble...which was a bummer, but I still made the money, which was nice.