Thanks for yet another fun and well-run tournament. While any poker club will have room for improvement, WSPC has the best structure among the raked tournaments. With a "Skill Level" of 5, one has a lot of time to play poker, and poker skills becomes a crucial factor in making it to the money instead of just luck. Below is a comparison of various tournaments.
- Skill Level 0-1: most satellites.
- Skill Level 2: many club tournaments
- Skill Level 5:
WSPC with only
$65 buy-in 8) and Casino Rama Fall Classic with $1,100 buy-in
- Skill Level 6: WPT tournaments costing $2,700 - $10,300 and WSOP costing U$1,000 - U$10,000.
The Prophet 22;99210 wroteTo win a West Side Poker event is something special. In 2 years we have had only one person win twice.
Ken and Blondfished chopped first and second.