djgolfcan;289109 wroteIf you want some company, you could pick me up on your way by. Although, we'd be stuck at Niagara as I don't have a passport.
Sorry already had left by the time you posted this... decided to play Seneca since the wife wasn't going this time and doesn't like Seneca.
Nice $440. profit (and this is at the $100. max tables). Got there and they had 5 - 1/2 max 100 tables and only 1 max 200 table with like 15-16 waiting... Have no idea why they wouldn't have opened another. Sat at the 100 max waiting for a seat at the 200 max but never left it as the action was real good, I got up over $200. really quickly and there were at least 4 other stacks over over $200. with one guy at $900. who said he had been there 20+ hrs already. Won a couple of good hands, one with K's allin preflop with a guy with only $80. to start (he never showed). Another $100. pot with a set of 6's, lost a couple with 2pr to higher 2 pr..
Then won a huge $500.+ pot with the nut flush. I'm on the button with AQ diamonds, 4-5 limpers, I raise to 7, everyone calls... Flop comes Q and 2 smaller diamond's, very nice. Checked around to me, bet is $15., 3 callers. Turn is a smaller black card. Checked to me, bet $20., 2 callers. River is the beautiful 10 diamonds. BB leads out for $40. MP calls, and I think, what can I bet to get a caller...? I settle on a raise to $120. since if I min raise it looks too strong and maybe one of them would think I'm trying to buy it with the $120. bet. To my surprise they both call fairly quickly. BB had 8,5 diamonds and the MP folds after I show, saying he had the K high flush.. I don't think I've ever been in a hand where three of us had a flush.
Very nice evening... :)