moose;171402 wrote Met a bunch of forumers, including woog30, damanj16 and the infamous *Zunni*. Yes he does exist. Actually got to play for a couple hours with him right beside me.
Good times. Will be back with Waltsfriend again on Thurs for the -ev tourney/cash games and more +ev craps.
Was a real pleasure meeting both you and Waltsfriend last night. I had to come introduce myself after I read what ball cap you would be wearing here :)
First forumers to have met in person at the tables.
Hope I didn't talk your ears off ;) , side note old guy to your left started folding out of turn again after you left... hehe
Won a couple of pots early and then went card dead until after 1 am...
Ended up -$50 after our table was 5 handed for a while and I lost with AdQd to KQo on a Qh9d4c 2d Ks board after we capped pre-flop/flop, raised to 30 on the turn and 20 on the river.
Left at 4 am... SOOOOO tired.