Graham As many of you have already realized, I've started the process of getting all of you your cpf bux (seen as 'points' here on the new forum) it's a manual process, but I expect it should be done before Wednesday this week. I am giving everyone the points they had, plus 100. Once the points are up, then it will be fixing up the shop (seen in the menu as vbplaza) this is where you will be able to purchase items such as $10 on supreme, shirts are coming back and on order in sizes L and XL (do we need xxl?) your patience is appreciated. If after November 2nd you don't have your old cpf bux please contact me. cheers.
pkrfce9 got mine. thanks! sloth;97145 wroteshirts are coming back and on order in sizes L and XL (do we need xxl?) um ya. there are still a few 'real' men left here.