Northred wrote
We're still trying to figure out which dealer had the bigger boobs... Cam or the female... ;)
I have to confess, I wasn't checking out Cam that closely. (Sorry, Cam) But the woman's were definitely nice. Great shoes too, I'm told.
Daniel, you definitely kept me on my toes in the cash game. It *was* a ton of fun.
Shane, great laydown of QQ vs TT vs 77 on a 9-high board. The fact that you got away from it when the other guy didn't shows what a good player you are. I'm not sure I could have gotten away from that in your shoes, although with a pot-size bet, followed by a min-raise and an all-in re-raise, I may have doubted the strength of my overpair. :D
You guys keep running good tourneys and cash games filled with players who will call a $50 raise pre-flop (@1/2) with 99 and I'm sure I'll enjoy returning again and again.