Surfing for sites

I know most of us surf for other sites every now and then. Here is one a friend has started.

Have a look.



  • Hey Rob thanks a lot for the plug man. Our site is really starting to get busy these days. It's funny, ya might wonder why ya have not seen me at the casino lately. I am on parental leave and loving it. I was surfing and realised I have not been here in a while and had some time to check it out. I could not help but notice the plug and was like wow!! Top notch... I had to reply to that.. thanks again.. I am not sure if you play at Rama or the Ex, if so I will likely see ya there. If not, I will be back to work in late September. Were you in the GBH tourney on Wednesday, June 14th? I was just wondering how it went.. I guess Lee you are more than welcome to respond too...

    Thanks again Rob,
    I hope ya stop by the site sometime and get in to our league..

    Talk to you soon

    Pokerkid1215 aka Catsgot9
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