-- Worth Much?

hey guys...been forever since i've posted...and where do i start? the ad board...shame on me!

anyway, i know this stuff really depends on who's interested at the time, but just looking for any thoughts on what this domain might be "worth". i've got a few offers, but just checking around to see what people think. i know there are a few guys that dabble in the domain game around here, so just throwing it out.

thanks for any thoughts


  • Im by no means an expert on the subject, but Im pretty sure domain squatting stopped being profitable quite a while ago.

    Unless you got in early and hold an extremely desirable name, I dont think there is much money to be made in selling domain names anymore.

    From what I have seen, the domain names that DO sell for a good price, have high ammounts of traffic attached to them from previously established sites.

    I cant be certain, and may very well be wrong, but I dont think a doman like, which is largely specific to a generally small target audience, and likely doesnt have much established traffic, will go for any significant ammount higher than the cost of just registering a new domain.
  • Attaboy Ryan, Crush the man's dreams for no apparent reason.
  • lol SOS!!!

    no ryan, it's ok. that was a great answer. i've been selling domains for a few years, and you're right in that it is a fairly specific market domain. i appreciate the insights.

    it actually is spoken for now, and i think both sides are happy.
  • Kinda curious, would you mnd saying how much you sold it for?
  • It looks like that domain name is still just parked.  I have a number of domain names that have been inactive for years, but suddenly I started getting inquiries a couple of months ago.  I was in no hurry in selling the domain since it was related to my business.  After more emails, I finally gave them a five-digit figure in US dollars just to get them off my back.  To my pleasant surprise, they phoned me long distance and were genuinely interested in paying my high price! :D
    Dan808 wrote:
    you're right in that it is a fairly specific market domain. i appreciate the insights.
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