Why I need to buy SSHE...

I hang my head in shame.  Better than 15:1 and I fold.  In my defense, I typically play 1-2 and 2-4 and somehow I thought the river raise made it 2 bets to me on the end (if I was playing 1-2).  Then I thought afterwards how can he make it 2 bets when the allin bet was only like 30 cents?  Stupid, stupid, stupid.  When in doubt err towards making a small mistake of losing one bet than giving up a big pot.  Flame away guys, I still can't believe I folded for one lousy bet.  Incidently, do you guys call this if it's 2 bets on the end?  I thnk I'm still adjusting to the crazier play of 2-4 in comparison to 1-2...

***** Hand History for Game 2563486680 *****
$2/$4 Texas Hold'em - Friday, August 19, 20:40:42 EDT 2005
Table Table  15834 (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 6: ScoobD ( $197 )
Seat 9: bufforange ( $184 )
Seat 7: Mike_Bolton ( $48.50 )
Seat 4: The_Duff_Man ( $59.98 )
Seat 8: MisterCharm ( $47 )
Seat 1: Stevolley ( $91 )
Seat 3: ack171 ( $113.50 )
Seat 10: ehwall333 ( $20.30 )
Seat 5: otto73 ( $118 )
Seat 2: ioannis1 ( $33 )
otto73 posts small blind [$1].
ScoobD posts big blind [$2].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ScoobD [  Jh Js ]
Mike_Bolton calls [$2].
MisterCharm folds.
bufforange folds.
ehwall333 calls [$2].
Stevolley folds.
ioannis1 calls [$2].
ack171 folds.
The_Duff_Man folds.
otto73 calls [$1].
ScoobD raises [$2].
Mike_Bolton calls [$2].
ehwall333 calls [$2].
ioannis1 calls [$2].
otto73 calls [$2].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8d, 6s, Ts ]
otto73 checks.
ScoobD bets [$2].
Mike_Bolton calls [$2].
ehwall333 raises [$4].
ioannis1 calls [$4].
otto73 folds.
ScoobD raises [$4].
Mike_Bolton folds.
ehwall333 raises [$4].
ioannis1 calls [$4].
ScoobD calls [$2].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 8c ]
ScoobD bets [$4].
ehwall333 raises [$8].
ioannis1 calls [$8].
ScoobD calls [$4].
** Dealing River ** [ Ac ]
ScoobD checks.
ehwall333 is all-In.
ioannis1 bets [$4].
ScoobD folds.
ioannis1 shows [ 9h, Ks ] a pair of eights.
ehwall333 shows [ Qs, Th ] two pairs, tens and eights.
ioannis1 wins $3.70 from  side pot #1  with a pair of eights.
ehwall333 wins $67.60 from  the main pot  with two pairs, tens and eights.


  • We'll just call it a misclick.  I was watchiing some 10/20 NL yesterday and I think it was TheTakeover who bemoaned an accidental fold.  Just think how much money it will cost you at that level.  Next hand he went broke but of course has much more in reserve and so do you.
  • ugh...its obvious you know you made a bad fold there.
  • I am no expert..but that pot is quite big and for 4 bucks I pay that hand off if he hit that ace.
  • I would have re-raised the turn.

    The turn raiser is virtually all-in, and the other active player who has chips has played the entire hand as if he had a draw (or a hand he believes is otherwise weak). Get another big bet in there for value from the player who still has chips.

    Calling on the river is the correct play. You are closing the action in a large pot where every obvious draw has missed and the player who has bet has given every indication in the previous betting rounds that he was on a draw.

    If you instead were facing a (full-sized) river bet and raise from two players who still had chips, you would have a closer decision due to the effective odds, i.e. the possibility of the river action getting 3-bet or capped.

    Incidentally, betting (technically, completing the bet with) the K-high into a dry side pot on the river is awful.

  • Great post Scotty. In short I think I need to pay better attention while I'm multi-tabling. I didn't realize the aggressive raiser was allin (practically) on the turn. Hence, reraising I'm not running the risk of being capped. In general I find people that are close to being allin are much more willing to get all their chips in with ANY kind of hand even if it means raising into someone that has shown strength. That oversight plus somehow thinking I was facing 2 bets on the end was a gross oversight on my part.
  • Btw, the book's on order :) Eager to soak up some new tidbits and compare vs. Jones. I dare say I'm a little giddy... :)
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