poker database

for those who play a lot of tournies @ pokerstars, this is a great resource where you can check up on anyone who you are playing against
by searching thier names, it will give you a detailed list of all the tournies they have made the money in

its not 100% accurate (it has missed my biggest money), but its a good tool nonetheless


  • this is a amzing, it is dead accurate for me and othere people i know, thanks
  • no prob

    it was down for a few days recently for maintenance.... but tis back up and runing, with what seems to be compelete listings
  • Wow, this thing is kinda crazy, seems useful to pick out who the good players are at your first table and who could be fish. I'll have to try using this a bit.
  • Seems to be missing a couple of tournaments I've played in. But otherwise very useful tool
  • Neetttooo!!! Though it seems to be missing a big part of mine...maybe I was dreaming for the last few
  • Hey, I run I found this thread on google.

    The database should be complete from 12/13/2004 to essentially current, although it's always going to be a few behind real-time results. Let me know if you know of anything missing in that period. Also, we will be backing the date up over time so additional weeks will be added.

    In reference to the maintenance, we were overwhelmed by traffic and we had to move the site to a new server. The new one is much faster and I don't anticipate any problems.

    Thanks for the support and enjoy the site. We're working hard on bringing a new interface out as the current one leaves something to be desired.

    If you have any questions feel free to email me at or
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