craziest on line hand

Hi folks, I've been reading some of the postings and enjoy the site so here's my two cents worth. Playing a small stakes no limit game on UB the other night, I'm sitting in the BB with pocket A's. Middle position goes all in, another fellow calls all in after him and naturally I'm rubbing my hands together.....woohoooo ALL IN !!! The flop comes up a rainbow with K / rag / rag. Not much on the turn and nothing on the river. The hands are revealed with the original all in bet having AA, me with AA and of course the third player having KK and catching his set. Gotta love it lol.



  • I was in a big mtt' down to 20 players, and I was 5th in chips. It was raised (standard) from EP by the chip leader, then a guy in LP raises all-in. I'm in the blinds and I re-raise all-in with AA because the pot was already sweet enough. I have double the chips of the guy who is all-in, and I don't want to battle with the chip leader. To my suprise he calls and we have an AA vs KK vs AK match up. Basically I'm only worried about one king or a QJT longshot. But the QJT doesnt scare me because i have him covered.

    Anyways, if I win this pot I'm chip leader by a mile... first card of the deck is a king and I go down to the chip leader.
  • In a recent sit and go on Stars there were 7 players left with blinds of 50/100 and it was a very tight table as all pots were very small. My chips were blah and I had not yet had a real hand to play. I folded my Q 4 o UTG then the next player raised to 300. Player after that shoves, next one folds, player after that with a slightly larger stack also shoves. The small blind then calls both all ins and then the chip leader in the BB calls as well. The initial raiser also goes all in.

    The chip leader had AA and beat KK, JJ, A 10 (the initial raiser who decided to call 4 all ins after his raise) and also a 44 (that was the sb who called 2 all ins before him).

    The BB won and we went from 7 players down to 3 and in the money.

    The order of the hands in the all in were A 10 initial raiser

    JJ - shoves

    KK - shoves

    44 - shoves

    AA- shoves

    A 10 o - shoves after all the reraises.

    I think the JJ, KK and AA plays were all fine. The 44 guy must have been on serious drugs as was the A 10 o (who had to put 900+ more chips to call the all ins after his initial raise, maybe he thought he had pot odds).
  • A couple months ago I posted this hand-

    I am short stacked with Q9 on the button, all fold to me, I push all in, SB and BB both call, board comes rags.

    Button (me)- Q9 :d:
    SB- Q9 :s:
    BB- Q9 :h:

    And the pot is split 3 ways. :D
  • There was once I was at the final 3 for a SnG, and I had to run to get the door for a delivery, so the 2 hands I put myself on "sitting out", I came back and saw myself folded AA and QQ.

    I guess I never recovered and came in third.
  • It's not one hand but back to back hands during a MTT on Stars. I saw a guy get AA two hands in a row and lose both of them to the same guy holding KT both times, the first time he made a straight on the river, the second time a flush, also on the river.
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