he is sitting in front of me. 3 left.

i have percent.

i love the world.


  • Figured that was him, you must have posted just as I did....the final table has been interesting
  • Congrats to both of you...how much did you have of him?
  • yes!

    finally we took one down.

    didnt have as much % as id like now obviously, but a great payday for all of us. still covers my rent for like a year.

  • I can just imagine all the stuff you would learn sitting and watching one of the greats play right beside you.....It would be awesome!
  • Too bad I wasn't able to drop in earlier to watch, but congrats.
  • Any idea who "emilie" was harthgosh?
  • I THOUGHT IT WAS HIM...after he was like I wish I could say who I am too...then was like BAM! Amsterdam, not Noah or you...who else but the GREAT FLYING DUTCMAN!!!

    So HG, what did you learn. Also, any chance he would be willing to let the hand history from the tourney swing his way onto the board?
  • excuse my ignorance, but who exactly is him?

    and congrats HG, i was watching and thought he played great - i love the deal denial
  • hola,

    thanks for the responses.  It is marcels account, that is for sure, however it was EX that was playin. 

    We dunno who emillie is, but im sure if he told us we would know him/her. 

    i can get the hand history of course.  I dunno if i should put it up though.   I will discuss it with my peers and decide.

    We couldnt take the deal as long as that jeffray guy was in.  We knew he would self destruct within 5 minutes of resumin play, and he did.    That was one of the most retarded stars final tables i have ever witnessed.  Underdog won 90% of all ins.
    Now i get the honor of winning the TLB with the account.
  • I was watching that also...who is EX? Was someone sharing the game or something? What is all the is talk of "WE"? Sorry...inquiring minds wanna know...

  • IronDoc wrote:
    I was watching that also...who is EX? Was someone sharing the game or something? What is all the is talk of "WE"? Sorry...inquiring minds wanna know...

    EX...Exclusive i think...so Noah was playing then. Props to him...

    Ah, the infamous TLB run. with the 1700, you should go for the TLB Monthly. Check out www.pocketfives.com There is a guy who is betting against Darrell77 to win the monthly. So anyone who wins the monthly AUGUST will be rewarded with 5K.

    As far as the Hand History...if you ever decided to relinquish that treasured piece, I would surely keep very private. I'm sure that little HH would help my game as well as this tourney is a completely diffeent beast. I'm not at your skill level yet, but I wouldn't mind shelling out $30-40 from my PS account to get it. LMK, anyhow, GL with the TLB run! MUST GET REVENGE ON WIL WHEATON ;)
  • Nice piece harthgosh!

    Now Tilter, don't sully the thread with that Wheaton fellow ;)
  • Awesome HG
    You never did say how much "DING DING"
  • Yup,I usually dont say but it was Marcel L account however Noah Boeken(Exclusive) was the one playing.....
  • Harthgosh,

    Who is playing on Sunday afternoon? I see that El Capitano is HU at 2:00 p.m.
  • good question.

    Could be HG, probably EX, I heard some Walrus guy was playing on the El C...gl on TLB run, don't let those nay sayer say anything...im root for the CAPTAIN!
  • at this point i have no idea
  • harthgosh wrote:
    at this point i have no idea
    is that you playing hG?
  • So when will you be joining the CIRCLE OF OUTLAWS?
  • i think never. But i am in the dvd.
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