Automatic Online Odds calculators ...are they legal?

Hi everyone,

Was browsing Ebay to see prices on poker tables, and I stumbled into a bunch of adds for online odds calculators. This peaked my interest since unlike many players on this forum, I am not a walking calculator. So I was checking out a few of the web sites for odds calculators and I am thinking of possibly picking up the one listed on this site..

My dilemma is are these things legal? When I ask if they are legal, I guess I am really asking if the automated portion of the program is legal. It seems to can enter the data into the calculator in two ways, either manual selection, or it can be automated on certain sites, this calculator lists automatic updates on Poker Stars. Does anyone have any experience with these types of things?

My second question, I can see this type of program being a great place for someone to put a Trojan that gets your login and password for various online poker sites, and then possibly using the information to clean out your account. So again, anyone have any opinion on this?


PS: Yes I am a Poker Newb!


  • How exactly will the automatic odds calculator teach "you"
    anything about poker odds?

    or to put it another way........

    Has anyone ever learned math from a pocket calculator?

    My advice would be to sit down with a deck of cards, a pad
    of paper, and a pencil. 

    or to put it another way........

    There is no such thing as a free lunch.

  • I can already hear my father's voice...HOW WILL YOU EVER LEARN IF YOU DON'T DO IT THE HARD WAY FIRST?!?!?!

    Remember back in school? When your teacher always said that you had to understand the process of math before you could use a calculator? Same advise as DJP, take the time to work it out yourself. This new gadget may help you online, but in B&M's or a home game, you will be at a great disadvantage. Don't end up relying on this new gadget to make you a better player. Read, learn, practise, and learn again.

    Yes, Dad, I did hear you. Just wasn't listening until now. You WERE right all along.
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