Mxing up your play

When do you think it is the right time to start mixing up your play in a MTT.
If I usually play TAG in the early stages, should I be prepared to loosen up as the tournament progresses - assuming I have accumulated a above average stack?
Lately I seem to be cashing, yet not making it deep into the money - I think its because I tighten up too much when the blinds creep up and the tourney gets near the bubble - and by the time we get past the bubble I a low stack
However, yesterday I tried the reverse and gambled more near the bubble and I got knocked out of the money both times ( both times a big stack called my Low M all in with low pocket pairs - I had AJ and A10)
Any suggestions?


  • Try to be luckier in those races! You need to be aggressive near the bubble while the others play tight. At that point chip position is more important than the cards you hold and you can bully some players accordingly.
  • Mostly, my "style" is dicated by the size of my stack. Add to that the current situation.

    So, early on when the chips are deep you can afford to take certain good chances. Tight and aggressive is fine, but your overlay is only coming from players who are BAD tight and aggressive players. There are lots of these monkeys so you can get away with being TA early. If you add some implied odds hands you can probably add some overlay early.

    Near the bubble, in most online tournaments, the chips are VERY shallow. So, yes play will tend to tighten up, but the consequences of loss tend to be extreme. Care is required.

    No much of an answer is it?

    If I was going to make generalizations, here is what I do:

    (1) Deep chips -- play implied odds hands
    (2) Shallow chips -- tight and aggressive
    (3) In the money -- turn on the jets and get REALLY aggressive

    On the bubble, there are LOTS of opportunities. Yes, some players are getting too tight. But, because EVERYONE knows you should steal on the bubble there are LOTS of resteal opporunities. One resteal is worth three straight steals. Pick your spots, but don't get reckless.
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