Pocket 8's and flop a set....what would you do?

Here is the hand (well most of it....)

zigster151 is at seat 0 with 2015.
bucking fitch is at seat 1 with 6500.
Showme459 is at seat 2 with 8240.
st0neC0ldNutz is at seat 3 with 6380.
Jennifear is at seat 4 with 8175.
1986Mets is at seat 5 with 1785.
Harold Hood is at seat 6 with 3395.
FRYG is at seat 7 with 6480.
steelsixer2 is at seat 8 with 3940.
Arc-Angel is at seat 9 with 2355.
The button is at seat 5.

Harold Hood posts the small blind of 100.
FRYG posts the big blind of 200.

zigster151: -- --
bucking fitch: -- --
Showme459: -- --
st0neC0ldNutz: 8d 8c
Jennifear: -- --
1986Mets: -- --
Harold Hood: -- --
FRYG: -- --
steelsixer2: -- --
Arc-Angel: -- --


steelsixer2 folds. Arc-Angel folds. zigster151
folds. bucking fitch calls. Showme459 folds. st0neC0ldNutz
raises to 750.
Jennifear folds. 1986Mets folds.
Harold Hood folds. FRYG folds. bucking fitch calls.

Flop (board: 9s Ts 8h):

bucking fitch checks. st0neC0ldNutz bets 1800. bucking fitch
goes all-in for 5750.

What would you guys be thinking here - would you have made the moves I made up until this point? What would you do next?
(Ill post the rest of the hand later on if anyone cares to see it).

Thanks !


  • you have caught a set, his bet screams of bluff/top pair/draw.

    I would call and prob. go broke.
  • You got bottom set. What hands are in front now? 99, TT, JQ, 67, 7J. Which ones are they likely to call a large raise with? 99, TT. I doubt the others  but maaaaaaaaaybe JQ. What other hands could that bucking fitch have? AA, KK, QQ, JJ maybe.

    So, if the person is not bluffing, there are 2 hands that kill you, 2 hands that you dominate, 1 hand with 8 outs over 2 cards to beat you, 1 hand with 16 outs over 2 cards to beat you and possibly 1 hand where you have 17 outs over 2 cards. I haven't done all the math calculations (someone jump in) but this doesn't look too unfavourable to you, especially when you factor in the likelihood of the various card combinations. Now, when you add in the money already in the pot I think you have a compelling case to call. Bottom set is not a great holding but based on the money already in the pot, I think you have to risk going broke with it.

    My guess is that bucking fitch had JJ.

    As for your play on the hand, I don't like the size of the raise pre-flop. It is callable with decent hands. I would either limp or go 4-5xBB. Either you take it down now, find out someone is sitting on something good or be cautious and look for the set. With a flop like that, you do have to be very cautious. Your post-flop bet was pot sized. I'd probably go half-pot or a little larger against the single opponent. You don't need to commit any more to find out if they will lay down. I am suspicious of their all-in bet but that could be a factor of the way you have been playing or based on that person's style, it could tell you something about their cards.

    So, what happened?
  • Personally for me I'd have limped with the pocket 8's then bet the crap outta it if I hit the set, even bottom set. The fact that he limped in himself then called the raise (and this is on line) he could be sitting with anything. I'd guess A J suited or A 10 suited. Most players online will raise with any pair so I think he had a drawing hand. Even if he hit the straight you've got outs to pair the board to make the boat. I bet hard with any set and win lots or lose lots and rarely put them down. I have but only if i completely believe I'm dominated. With the info you gave I don't think I'd be dominated.

    Take this for what it's worth....... which is not much.
  • Hero calls and tries to dodge the flush draw.
  • Thanks for the feedback so far. Here is the rest of the hand:

    Flop (board: 9s Ts 8h):

    bucking fitch checks. st0neC0ldNutz bets 1800. bucking fitch
    goes all-in for 5750. st0neC0ldNutz goes all-in for 5630.

    bucking fitch is returned 120 (uncalled).

    Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

    bucking fitch shows 7d 6d.
    st0neC0ldNutz shows 8d 8c.

    Turn (board: 9s Ts 8h Jc):

    (no action in this round)

    River (board: 9s Ts 8h Jc Kd):

    (no action in this round)


    bucking fitch has 7d 9s Ts 8h Jc: straight, jack high.
    st0neC0ldNutz has 8d 8c 8h Jc Kd: three eights.

    Hand #6986203-95 Summary:

    No rake is taken for this hand.
    bucking fitch wins 13060 with straight, jack high.

    BTW aren't the odds of flopping a straight like 1% ???
    At any rate, I think I maybe should have raised a little more pre-flop - or limped. Either way, looks like I would have lost a lot of $ on this hand...or busted from the tourney is
    a better way to put it....of all the hands he could have turned over, I was shocked to see that one !
    I just didn't see myself capeable of laying that hand down with the action the preceded it. Wanted to see what others thought....cheers
  • The opposite situation happened to me last night.
    Home game, 6 players remaining (only had 7 to start).

    I was chip leader to Ion-Storm by a very little (as you'll see).

    I picked up A :c: 3 :c: and just limped (as I always do, I call too much, ya ya :P)
    He raised it up to 300.
    I called.

    Flop comes down J :c: 10 :c: 4 :c:

    I check my flopped nuts, he bets 300 or 400.
    I move all in for around 2400 or so.

    He mumbles about me limping in with 2 clubs ... thinks ... thinks ...
    "Ah screw it, lets go"
    flips up JJ
    turn 10  :'(
    River meaningless.

    I had 15 chips at the end and was all in next hand.
  • Chris Ferguson went out day one with his QQ against Q-J-T and the other guy with 9-8. Poo happens.
  • Chris Ferguson went out day one with his QQ against Q-J-T and the other guy with 9-8. Poo happens.

    Did Fergs raise before the flop? how much? curious about the pre-flop action baby !

    and yes, poo definitely happens. Last night someone called my all in re-rasie to his initial raise and he had 4-4 - I had KK and he flopped QUADS !

    never seen that in my life !!! and hope i never do again unless it is me flopping it :)

    wonder what the odds are for flopping quads when holding a pocket pair ? now that my friend is poo.
  • I'm assuming a tournament, right? I'm going to reply to this without reading other people responses. I'm learning each day a little more about NL tournies. This looks like a tough one, with st8 and flush draws on the board, she might be playing one of those. If she's too passive preflop, she could be limping with 99, TT, Axs, 8s7s. I'd call if she's notoriously aggressive. I'd fold to a rock, however.

  • I've read the replies now. You guys made my afternoon!! That was hilarious! Every post! Thanks guys...
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