When to make a stand

(Edit: if a mod reads this can they move it to the "Ask Dave" section so I get some feedback from him when he gets a chance, thanks)

Playing a 20+2 NL MTT on Party a few nights ago, about 50 people left from 1367 starters.  I have just been moved to a new table and the player GWarrior has won 3 pots in the first lap, picking up the blinds once from EP and winning called all-ins with KK and AQ.  I know nothing else about him.  It is my first time in the BB at the table in this hand and I am only slightly below average chips despite having only 9xBB.

Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 8
Seat 2: GWarrior ( $61293 )
Seat 3: thedds ( $34813 )
Seat 4: SirWatts ( $26678 )
Seat 6: GoDawgsGo898 ( $15844 )
Seat 7: ajmian ( $22 )
Seat 9: empireny ( $18212 )
Seat 10: charlie1620 ( $8190 )
Seat 1: gomezthecat ( $40815 )
Trny:13770674 Level:15
Blinds (1500/3000)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to SirWatts [  3d 3s ]
GoDawgsGo898 folds.
ajmian folds.
empireny folds.
charlie1620 folds.
gomezthecat folds.
GWarrior raises [9000].
thedds folds.
SirWatts folds.

I really want to come over the top here, or do the stop and go (call preflop then push on any flop).  I figure if I come over the top he will call with a lot of hands since he's getting about 2-1 and I'm a coinflip at best, but if I just call I might let him catch with a hand he could release if he's on a complete steal, so it's not clear which is better even if I do decide to make a stand.  I realize i have no read on him, especially whether he likes to steal a lot or not, so I decide to wait for a better spot. I'm ok with this decision, but I'm interested to know who  would make a stand here. I get no cards and no reasonable steal possibilities for the lap so back to my blinds.  The next hand, I think, is the key hand.  I am the SB.

Seat 2: GWarrior ( $64293 )
Seat 3: thedds ( $21813 )
Seat 4: SirWatts ( $19178 )
Seat 6: GoDawgsGo898 ( $14344 )
Seat 9: empireny ( $16712 )
Seat 1: gomezthecat ( $43837 )
Seat 5: AksesFoo ( $21256 )
Seat 8: Vinnie69 ( $61624 )
Seat 7: yasway ( $89056 )
Trny:13770674 Level:15
Blinds (1500/3000)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to SirWatts [  6h As ]
GoDawgsGo898 folds.
yasway folds.
Vinnie69 folds.
empireny folds.
gomezthecat folds.
GWarrior raises [9000].
thedds folds.
SirWatts folds.

I used most of my time bank before folding (wussing out).  He has made the same LP position raise again, puting him 2/2 on trying to take the blinds from late position when he has had the chance.  The problem is he has not played any other hands lately so it's not obvious that he's overly aggressive or anything. It's not a great read to put your tournament on the line with, but I think this was my best chance.  Who makes their stand here? 

GWarrior was later caught on a blind steal with Q high by another player and lost most of what he had left on a race shortly after.  The next hand, when he was obviously on tilt, I finally made my stand, but i had already been blinded down badly.  The poker gods had obviously not yet forgiven me for pussying out on the last hand, and they smited me good.

Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 1: gomezthecat ( $49837 )
Seat 2: GWarrior ( $8892 )
Seat 3: thedds ( $83250 )
Seat 4: SirWatts ( $11678 )
Seat 6: GoDawgsGo898 ( $57564 )
Seat 7: yasway ( $62056 )
Seat 8: Vinnie69 ( $64624 )
Seat 9: empireny ( $8212 )
Seat 10: frank916 ( $25388 )
Blinds (2000/4000)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to SirWatts [  Ad 5s ]
gomezthecat folds.
GWarrior is all-In  [8892]
thedds folds.
SirWatts is all-In  [11678]
GoDawgsGo898 folds.
yasway folds.
Vinnie69 folds.
empireny folds.
frank916 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ Qs, Ah, 6c ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Jc ]
** Dealing River ** [ 6h ]
GWarrior shows [ 6s, 3h ] three of a kind, sixes.
SirWatts shows [ Ad, 5s ] two pairs, aces and sixes.
SirWatts wins 2786 chips from  side pot #1  with two pairs, aces and sixes.
GWarrior wins 23784 chips from  the main pot  with three of a kind, sixes.

I bust out a few hands later.  One more fun hand from the tournament on the merits of slowplaying aces.  This is how I got my chips.  I'm the BB.

Total number of players : 10
Seat 3: Broderson1 ( $12960 )
Seat 8: SirWatts ( $6914 )
Seat 9: buzzard0202 ( $6280 )
Seat 4: gshelton222 ( $9873 )
Seat 2: frank916 ( $11032 )
Seat 6: little_owl ( $890 )
Seat 10: snwslider ( $13081 )
Seat 1: frichah ( $3959 )
Seat 5: Vinnie69 ( $7478 )
Seat 7: aceaviator ( $13433 )
Blinds (300/600)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to SirWatts [  7c 6c ]
buzzard0202 folds.
snwslider folds.
frichah folds.
frank916 folds.
Broderson1 folds.
gshelton222 folds.
Vinnie69 folds.
little_owl is all-In  [890]
aceaviator calls [590].
SirWatts calls [290].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6h, 7s, Kd ]
aceaviator bets [600].
SirWatts raises [2400].
aceaviator is all-In  [11943]
SirWatts is all-In  [3624]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 5c ]
** Dealing River ** [ 2s ]
SirWatts shows [ 7c, 6c ] two pairs, sevens and sixes.
little_owl shows [ Qd, 6d ] a pair of sixes.
aceaviator shows [ Ac, Ah ] a pair of aces.
SirWatts wins 12048 chips from  side pot #1  with two pairs, sevens and sixes.
SirWatts wins 2670 chips from  the main pot  with two pairs, sevens and sixes.

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