Poker and fitness - piece of the puzzle?

Dave, I missed my window.  I've been intending to post a question on poker and fitness and you make references to this topic in your Update #3 - Friday morning part one post:

At least I use the protein bars.  I agree they're good to use.
Following, I list some general thoughts on competition and fitness.  If possible, please comment on how important you believe your regimen is to your game?
  • Top chess players are known to prepare with a team of people.  A physical fitness trainer is usually included else a fitness regimen is followed

  • How hard can it be to sit and flick plastic paper and round discs?
  • A buddy of mine with some back problems once told me 'sitting is really bad for you'.  As I understand it, our bodies are designed for mobility
  • I still have memories from 15 years ago of how tired I would be after a long weekend Swiss style Chess tournament (6 game maximum)
  • One company I formerly worked at, paid for gym memberships.  The President believed there was a strong correlation between physical fitness and mental acuity
  • I remember the days of Craig Stadler ambling down the golf course.  Ok maybe he still plays and he's not that big but Tiger has, in part due to fitness, elevated the game
  • The old school types like Doyle Brunson are still playing.  He must feel tired after a 14 hour session.



  • Ya. Look at the great shape the 2003 and 2004 WSOP main event champs are in.

    Pokerstars isn't rigged, either. :D
  • I know there is a correlation between mental acuity and physical fitness. I also used to play those weekend swisses and, as you know, there are times when you go from one 6 hour game to another back-to-back...not unlike these sessions at the WSOP. I need to get back to my running, which used to be at a high level.

  • You do need fitness, stamina is needed for everything, including a good session of the nasty.

    Your well being does play on your mental state of mind, you can tell this by how peoples demeanor changes to ugly when they are starting to become overly exhausted, or how your play (whether it be poker or hockey or anything) starts to diminish after several hours. You start to make stupid moves, you stop paying attention to things that are vital thinking that you are.

    If I sit all day and do nothing, my mood is very blah and I feel lazy come the evening time. If I have done something like go to work, take the kids for a walk on the weekend or just exercise my mood is a lot better because physically I feel better.

    Just my opinion.
  • I think fitness is a factor. Generally, a small one. Doyle isn't fit and he seems to do OK.

    More than physical fitness, I think that mental health and rest are important. My kids (age 8 and 5) get real grumpy when they are hungry or overly tired. When I get tired I try to run O-tuna off top pair when all I have it 9-2o. Same thing, excepet mine is more important.

    I am glad that I am healthy so I can make the run to me room. But, the run to the room is really all about mental health.
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