
How would you play this.

5-6 K in the pot you have 3.5k left, it is checked around to you after a flop of 8 :c: 4 :c: 4 :s: and you have 3 :d: 3 :h:. You check.

The low person at the table moves all in for 2.9K. Call or fold. all others at the table fold.


  • Is this a tournament or a ring game, and if the former, what are the blinds at and what is the average stack size?
  • Tournament, both remaining players are the low stacks, blinds are 500/1000, player with 3,3 is in middle position. average stack size is about 15-20K.
  • Call.
    But I would need alot more info first.

    IE, who raised, who callled, etc
  • What was the pre-flop action, and how many players is the flop bettor betting into?

  • There were 4 callers plus the BB, SB folded. Pot is 5.5k

    All players checked post flop to the person who pushed all in. All players folded to the person with 3,3. No other players inbetween the 3,3 and the all in.
  • Fold.

    Generally, a short stacked player should be making aggressive plays with an enormous range of hands, but calling large/all-in bets only with solid values.

    This would have been a great flop to bet all-in with the 33, primarily as a bluff. Moving all-in pre-flop with a short stack (again, primarily as a bluff/semi-steal) should have also been a strong consideration.

    Allowing someone else the betting initiative, the 33 is in pretty gross shape. Even if the all-in bettor happens to be on a stone cold bluff, he (unless he happens to have a 2) has at least 9 outs twice (in most cases, a 9-out, 12-out combo) against you. If the all-in player instead has any kind of hand or draw, the 33 is in incredibly bad shape.

    Don't get fooled by the big pot odds here. In some sense, I think the 33 has already missed his chance to take advantage of the large pot size when he failed to take a stab at picking up the pot by betting out on the flop himself.

  • Scotty, thanks for your reply.

    I short I was the all in bettor. I pushed in with Q :c: 10 :c:. I was on a draw and felt pretty good about this play. The player with 3,3 called after a long time and said" I read you for a draw".  The turn and river did not help and I was out.

    I said to the 3,3 player. " if you put me on a draw then why did you call with 3,3?"

    I thought about this hand and realized what a terrible call he made with 3,3. With the board showing 8 :c:,4 :c:, 4 :s: all I needed was any club (9), any Q (3), any 10 (3) and any 8 (3) to win. All I needed to win was to pair the 8. I was a 60/40 (roughly) to win.

    I think anyone can see why this call bothered me. 18 live outs. BTW the turn was a 9 giving me 3 more outs.

    Thats poker!
  • Dead Money wrote:

    I think anyone can see why this call bothered me. 18 live outs. BTW the turn was a 9 giving me 3 more outs.

    Thats poker!
    Actually, the turn 9 gives you 7 more live outs
    any J for the straight and any 9 for the 2 pair out kicked.

    And that makes you exactly 50/50 for the win.
  • Psi wrote:
    Actually, the turn 9 gives you 7 more live outs
    any J for the straight and any 9 for the 2 pair out kicked.

    Right idea, but the Jc and 9c have already been counted as outs, so there were 5 new outs picked up on the turn for a total of 17 (not 18, as the 3c is not an out) + 5 = 22 river outs.
    And that makes you exactly 50/50 for the win.

    Oddly enough, the river win percentage from the 44 unseen cards is exactly 50%, so you still get full marks for the final answer. :)

  • Taking a 50/50 or a 40/60 isn't terrible given he needs chips badly and the blinds are coming around... he only has 2.9k more and i assume he's mp/lp so the blinds are hitting in a few hands.  If he gets lucky and it is 50/50 and he doubles up he can survive another orbit waiting for a good hand.  However his call is bad.  If he's planning on calling he should have just pushed so he has some fold equity.  I also think limping in for 1k with 4.5k in chips is horrendous.
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    ......... so you still get full marks for the final answer. :)


    Wait a minute.... since when are we giving full marks for just the final answer??? Did, I miss a memo or something???

    From section 3.2 of the Forum guidelines....

    (c) ... all work must be shown in order to receive full marks.
    (d) Moderators are obviously exempt from (c)
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    ......... so you still get full marks for the final answer. :)


    Wait a minute.... since when are we giving full marks for just the final answer??? Did, I miss a memo or something???

    From section 3.2 of the Forum guidelines....

    (c) ... all work must be shown in order to receive full marks.
    (d) Moderators are obviously exempt from (c)

    Sorry, my wording was misleading. What I meant was that he gets full marks for the final answer portion of the solution. (These are commonly known as the "Regis" marks.)

    For example, if the marking scheme says that final answer is worth 5 marks, and the preliminary steps are worth 10, then the solution presented would have to have had a minimum score of 5.

  • The 3-3 play is weak. If you are going to call, then bet in this spot. Don't induce a bluff when you are a pair below the board.
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