Showing uncalled cards

Hey Dave, how often should one show their cards? Does it make a difference if you've won/lost the hand? How about whether you had nuts/rags? How about a person's playing style loose/tight?


  • Somewhere there is another thread about this...

    There are many who advocate NEVER showing your cards. This is not a bad idea (keep 'em guessing). But, I think that one should at least consider showing cards every now and then if there is good reason to do so. Why show? Here is a short list of reasons that play in my head when I decide to show:

    (1) To quote Chewey Der from Regina: "No bull***t." In other words, if I want my opponents to think that I am getting a lucky run of cards then I might show the odd hand. I will especially do this heads up. You want him to believe that you are a rock either because you ARE a rock and want lots of respect or because you are stealing the odd one and want to keep 'em thinking.

    (2) Nice fold. Show him your big hand. He has made a tough fold and you want to support his thinking. You want him to feel good about folding. You are setting up a bluff.

    (3) Ego. You like to show huge bluffs because it makes you feel good.

    (4) I am the freaking king, not you. This is related to point 3, but has some validity to it. I like to run the table. I like to feel like I am in control. I feel in control when I am the player that the other players are worried about/paying attention to. Showing a big bluff says "Hey, you are not playing with kids here. I am the man. You are not the man. I can play at a higher lever than you can. You are a rube." Beware, this can create a very tension filled dynamic at the table. It's the equivalent of reaching across and slapping a guy in the face. It does, however, cause a HUGE adrenaline spike and a sense of hate in your opponents that can be used to your advantage.

    The original question was "How often?" Not very often, but used sparingly, it can be another weapon in your arsenal. Just make sure that you know why you are doing it, and that you will be able to deploy the appropriatte weapons to win in the altered world that you have created.
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