AK/AQ/AJ - and Limit affecting my No Limit game...

Have been playing low stakes limit online (am pretty new to it) - after playing many hours I find myself saying AK/AQ/AJ are Ok, but if they don't hit
(or don't flop to a rockin draw) they are kind of crap if the flop does not fit....for limit.
In NO Limit I would usually come in for a raise on these hands (depending on the exact had, position, etc)...but at tourneys lately have been seeing AK/AQ/AJ getting burnt buy not hitting
the flop.
To make it short I am kind of shying away from AK/AQ/AJ - and am finding it hard to come in for a normal raise with these hands since I am too
scared the flop won't hit me, so I limp - and wait to see if I hit the flop. But I am noticing that this is a bad idea since I don't know where I stand
after the flop, and I have no shot at a semi-bluff since I limped...

Anyone else have this problem?

Just looking for comments...



  • In no limit, AK is a great, and difficult hand. AQ is delicate. AJ is undesirable.

    The problem with AK is that is will tend to win small pots or lose big pots POST-flop. So, if you are up against QQ you can't make much money when you hit the flop. So, it a great hand if you are getting short stacked because you simply take your chances with it pre-flop. But, when the chips are deep it goes WAY down in value.

    Limping with it sometimes is fine. When the ace hits the flop you don't get credit for AK since you didn't raise and you can make some money. But, you may, again, be in "win small lose big" position.

    And, AK REALLY cries out for fold equity. It's an awesome pre-flop semi-bluffing hand. You WANT your opponent to fold. If he does not, you shift to "plan B" and hope to out flop him.
  • Yes, I am getting better at being able to get away from these hands -
    I have to get used to the fact that if it hits - great, if not - get out or stay if its cheap and I still think I
    have a shot at the pot.

    Thanks for the comments.
  • If AK hits... be VERY careful. Your opponent will tend to correctly put you on AK. Win small - lose big.
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