Tournaments and the government

I was reading a topic here about the PA tourney. I am the president of the Oilers Fan Benefit Hockey club and am based out of Radisson SK. We have a very active poker fraternity out here with regular home games and trips to Edmonton and occasionally to Saskatoon.

We were trying to have a charity tourney to raise money for our school bussing and our Kids and Community program. I went through all the proper channels, and talked to the the people in the government about getting a special permit etc. Their response was
" the only place, regardless of organization or intent, is in a casino. Any other gaming will be dealt with the RCMP arresting the organizer of the event on the spot. I would advise you to forget this line of fundraising."

Yet, 3 days later, the Pat hotel advertises a tourney in support of Telemiracle, with an entry fee etc.

I heard about the PA tourney, but to late to attend. I was actually just getting back from Edmonton from an all nighter at the Palace casino with their 24 hour 3-6 tables.

I cannot understand how the Shark club now is advertising tourneys every Sat with no entry but prizes.

I love poker, I love helping out people , but then I hear about this thing in PA. What is going on? Dave, as the expert around here, do you know what the rules are?

By the way, followed your day to day in Vegas here the last week. Good luck in the big event.


  • Welcome to the complex world of “poker explosion” coupled with “law enforcement.”

    If ANYBODY makes a buck then it's a gaming house. And, being a gaming house is illegal unless you are licensed. It does not matter that the group making money is a charity, you can't make a buck off poker or you are a "gaming house."

    If you have NO ENTRY but you have prizes, you are probably OK. But, that doesn't do your fundraising any good. As soon as there is an entry fee then is it “gaming” and there better not be a house. Asking for an entry fee is where you go bad.

    Here is the basic question to ask yourself: "Are there people playing poker for money, and is there anybody other than the players making a buck?" If the answer is "yes” then you are sunk. You are a gaming house in contravention of the Criminal Code of Canada.

    This will, in my opinion, include "making a buck" by selling beer, renting the room, paying dealers, or ANYTHING that has ANY amount of money go somewhere other than to the players themselves. To avoid criminal liability you need to be licensed and you will not get a license from any provincial government in Saskatchewan. At least, as far as I know you won’t.

    Please note, I am not a lawyer and you should seek professional legal advice on this matter.

    And… thanks for following the adventure at the WSOP. I leave for Vegas on July 6 to continue the saga.
  • Tournaments and the government

    I think thats a great way to decide the government. Forget elections. NLHE tourneys, winner take all. Good idea. ;)
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