Need advice on a bad call I made...

I started playing poker around Febuary of this year, started off playing for play money on Pokerstars. Around the end of March I decided to go in my first tourny which was a 30 man bar tourny with a $40 buy in and won that.. I have been playing in a weekly home game sit n goes with an $60 buy in sometimes have 3 a night with around 6 to 7 players and usually win around 60% of the time.. So I decided today it was time to get serious and see If I have what it takes to be a good poker player.. My father actually told me this morning about a poker tournament at a casino near by in the USA and said he wanted to back me because he wanted to see what I could really do. So I said why not I will give it a shot $60 USD buy in around 65 players so I was a little nervous, never had a dealer b4 so that was a good change but a little nerve racking sitting at a table with some solid players...

So in the tourny you start off with 10,000 chips and the blind start at 25 -50 and double every 15 mins. First hour the best hand I saw was K :d: 9 :d: so of course I got a little impatient and lost about 1000 trying to catch but I was still in good shape ended the first hour with 8100 chips.

Anyways I started to catch some cards and found myself at the final table down to 6 players left but I didnt realize it was the final table because they opened up a limit table and I wasnt paying attention so I thought there was two tables left lol...


I am sitting in 2nd with around 120k I hit a dry spell where I wasnt getting any cards until

I am in the small blind I am dealt A :h: Q :h:
Every1 folds except for the small stack in front of me who calls the blind
I raise him all in about 40 k
Big Blind pushes all in who is in 3rd in Chips with around 110 k
Short stack folds
I look over at the big blind and say " You must have pocket Kings or Big Slick"
I call
Big Blind has big slick A K
I lose dont even remember what cards come out...

I went against my instincts and lost I knew he had big slick and I called anyway hoping I was wrong..
Can any1 tell me how to play that next time because I know I played that hand horribly it was my only mistake I made all night and it cost me the tournament... By the way I went out next hand I had Q :h: J :h: and ran into A K again.. I paid $60 american to get in and I came out with $1 million knowledge but I am still very disapointed in the final outcome.. I guess I am welcomed into the Bad Beats Hotel lol.....


  • I don't mean to sound harsh but you're not in the Bad Beat Hotel. You're in the Bad Call hotel.

    You know you called and shouldn't have. End of story. He went all-in and you called. You put him on a better hand but called anyway. That was a mistake. A common mistake. One that I have made before but a simple costly mistake nonetheless.

    It isn't a bad beat, though. You were dominated with AQ against AK.
  • GoldGlovz wrote:
    I look over at the big blind and say " You must have pocket Kings or Big Slick"
    I call
    If this is your thinking ... you really need to learn how to fold :P
  • A few comments for you…
    So I said why not I will give it a shot $60 USD buy in around 65 players so I was a little nervous, never had a dealer b4 so that was a good change but a little nerve racking sitting at a table with some solid players...
    I all likelihood, at this level, there are not too many solid players and there are no great players. And, beware of judging your skill level based upon any tournament in which levels are only 15 minutes. Luck will rule the day.
    I am in the small blind I am dealt A Q
    Every1 folds except for the small stack in front of me who calls the blind
    I raise him all in about 40 k
    Big Blind pushes all in who is in 3rd in Chips with around 110 k
    Short stack folds
    I look over at the big blind and say " You must have pocket Kings or Big Slick"
    I call
    Big Blind has big slick A K
    I lose dont even remember what cards come out...
    You are being offered a call of 70K into a pot of 150K (I am guessing a little and assuming that the limper will now fold). It will be hard for you to fold in this spot. If you REALLY know he has AA to QQ or AK then you can afford to put it down. It’s very hard to know this, though. He does, however, have a hand he likes. He is NOT bluffing since we will give him credit for the fact that there has been a limper who is short stacked. Looks like a good time to fold, but it’s not an easy fold.

    I think you played the hand well (except for calling). Your other option would have been to limp in the small blind and see what happens at that point.
    I guess I am welcomed into the Bad Beats Hotel lol.....
    Since you started with the worst hand, you can’t call it a bad beat. Nonetheless, you owe $10 to the Team Canuck Party fund.
  • Thank you all for the reply and just the fact that Dave Scharf responded to one of my posts I am most grateful I really look up to you as you are a canadian poker legend.. See thats how much of a newbie I am I dont even know what a bad beat was lol?

    I think I am going to quit poker
  • GoldGlovz wrote:
    I think I am going to quit poker

    Not until you get a few good, nasty, traumatizing bad beats under your belt. Then and only then are you allowed to quit.

    Like the time I had KK, went all in 7K in chips, got called by the BB who threw in another 5K to call, cards fall 7, 9, 4, A,........ 2!!! That is a bad beat story.
  • MDSGuy wrote:
    GoldGlovz wrote:
    I think I am going to quit poker

    Not until you get a few good, nasty, traumatizing bad beats under your belt. Then and only then are you allowed to quit.

    Like the time I had KK, went all in 7K in chips, got called by the BB who threw in another 5K to call, cards fall 7, 9, 4, A,........ 2!!! That is a bad beat story.
    Yea, the one card on the river to make their straight flush that cracks your quads :rage:
    "I Didn't think you had a full house"
    you're right dumbass I had quads :'(
  • MDSGuy wrote:
    GoldGlovz wrote:
    I think I am going to quit poker

    Not until you get a few good, nasty, traumatizing bad beats under your belt. Then and only then are you allowed to quit.

    Like the time I had KK, went all in 7K in chips, got called by the BB who threw in another 5K to call, cards fall 7, 9, 4, A,........ 2!!! That is a bad beat story.
    If you are looking for bad beats, try PokerStars. Or any satellite...
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