Tournament Rebuys??

Question for whoever is interested...

I've started playing alot of $20+2 and $50+5 rebuy/add-on tournaments at Pokerstars. Now when I begin play I find that nearly everyone rebuys immediatly and has a 2-1 chip advantage on whoever doesn't do the same. Should I be rebuying as well to make myself level with everyone else and ahead of some?  Or should I be fighting it out with the starting chip count?  As of now I don't rebuy at the start and just play it out shortstacked, since the blinds are so low I find I can work my way up without much trouble. Am I making this too hard on myself ???   If anyone has any insights into these situations, it would be interesting to hear your thoughts.




  • Generally I think it is a good idea to rebuy if most of the people at your table rebuy in order to get the most out of a doubling up situation (which is what you're looking to do in the rebuy period). If other people at your table are not rebuying, there is no point in having more chips than everyone else because the blinds are so small. Hope that helps a little.
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