Team Canuck Tournament May 21

The SECOND Team Canuck Poker tournament takes place on May 21, 2005 at 10:00 PM EST.

The Team Canuck World Series of Poker Bon Voyage Tournament

The cost:  $10+1

The game:  No-limit hold’em.

The amazing perks: As soon as “late registration” closes, doubles the prize pool (thanks!). In our first tournament we had 181 players and we played for $3620. First place was over $1000 (not bad for an $11 investment).

More amazing perks: is placing a bounty on each member of Team Canuck Poker. Knock any one of us out and you get $50.

Wanted:  DAS_DAS $50 (Dave Scharf)
               turniptruck $50 (Bob Jarrett)
               all_aces $50 (Devin Armstrong)
               FastWilly $50 (Ralph Mair)

One final perk: The top three finishers receive Team Canuck Poker caps and t-shirts.

Join us in the week before our departure for the opening three events at the WSOP.

See for details.


  • I am so there. I just hope this time I get a table with one of the Team Canuck guys.

    The last event was a lot of fun.
  • As my friends Bill and Ted would say, "EXCELLENT!"

    See you there.
  • Woohoo. Boxcard and ScottyZ are already signed up. You guys are the nuts.
  • Seems that the four eager beavers had already beat me to it...

  • The last tourney sounds like a blast, i've gotta find a way to play this one.

    I really must say paradise seems to really be rolling out the red carpet, it sounds like in the last tourney they handed out just over $2000 in free money to us canadians ... and that's $2000 USD not 2000 canadian loones
  • Sorry I was so slow in signing up this time around. Last time I was second behind Dave.
  • Ello!
    I'm looking at playing in this tourney as well...Does anyone know of any big Paradise sign up bonuses?
  • So far, I'm not much of a team player.  I'm going away with my g/f for the May 24 long weekend, and will be unable to play in (another) TCP tournament.  Ugh.  I'm sure someone out there will be happy that all they have to do to score fifty bucks is wait until I'm all-in in the blinds, though.  ;)

    My apologies to TCP... I guess we'll just have to absolutely crush the WSOP to make up for it.  All 4 TCP members at the NL event final table!
  • i am so there..... poet already put both of us in and i think i paid...... hey if i win again can i play for team canuck ???? lol
  • I've registered.....can't wait to play (and win) in my first tourney with you guys!!!
  • Well, being a newbie I am sure you guys will kick my a$$ and then some but I am registered and look forward to learning a few things from you all. $11 is nothing to gain some experience, and looking at the field that's a given!!! I have had some moderate success in the low limit ring games and sng's, never made the money in a MTT (18th out of 400+ is my best).....but if I pray to the card gods, wear my lucky underwear, and cross everything I can cross....who knows what will happen.
    Looking forward to it!!!!
  • Ill be there, and this time i ill only start the beer after first break.

    K/J vs A/J

    That was so dumb. Heard about it all week after.
  • With 15 minute levels... anything can happen. Heck, with two hour levels, anything can happen. It's more likely at 15 minutes, but there is always hope of victory because it is always possible that the enemy will self-destruct.
  • hehe...and this weekend Team Canuck is the enemy....$50 a pop eh, that is a nice bonus Paradise is running, it's gonna be a blast. Is this something that hopefully will become a regular occurrence?
  • This is our second tournament. I am hopeful that this will be a monthly event. If the poker community continues to support them and Paradise sees value, then I think it will be.
  • Once again I am big time dissapointed that I cannot play on Saturday.

    Please make it a monthly event so that I can at least play in one.
  • The official, Team Canuck World Series of Poker Bon Voyage Tournament side bet has been settled...

    First Team Cancuk Poker member out in the TCP tourney on Saturday buys a round of banana Fosters at VooDoo Cafe, on top of the Rio at the team's earliest convenience.

    Ain't poker fun?
  • I misunderstood the email chain that led to this, and would now like to back out.  As you know, I'm unable to play in this Saturday's tournament, so I'll be posting and folding.  I will undoubtedly bust out before all three of you.

    Oh wait... I seem to remember... outlasting at least one of you DESPITE THE FACT THAT I WASN'T THERE in the last one.  OK, never mind, count me in and then some. 
  • Who may I ask setup the date for this tourney? So let me get this straight: A canadian poker team setup a team tourney, on the Canadian long weekend, Saturday night at 10 pm EST?! Are you guys crazy or what :D? While I would love to play in the tourney but its on one of the worst days of the year! I'll be seing Sidney Crosby get destroyed by my London Knights before I head out to Grand Bend that night :(

    Oh well, hopefully the next time. Who doesn't want a crack at these fish who get knocked out before their teammates who aren't even there :fish: ;)
  • I knew it was bad, but the NEXT weekend is just before our departure for the WSOP and (speaking for myself) I was not sure that the War Department would approve the expenditure of a Saturday night just before departing for a few nights.
  • A reminder that this tournament is tonight, starting at 10:00pm Eastern.

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