Blowing my own horn

OK, so I am sort of proud of this, even though I don't think that my name had much to do with it. Nevertheless, I learned this week that my book "Winning at Poker: Essential Hints and Tips" sold 41,000 copies worldwide in the fifteen months ending Dec 31, 2004.

I don't really know what I thought they number would be, but this number seems a pleasantly high surprise. Still not enough to pay back my royalty advance. That's not why I wrote it in the first place, though. I have already bragged to my wife, but she doesn't play poker (I think she read chapters one and two) so I'm bragging to CPF.


  • WTG Dave!

    Good book, btw. I got my copy about a month ago. (so I guess you've sold at least 41001 now) :)
  • Very cool!
    Yes it is a good book. :)
  • 41,000 is huge. Congrats.
  • That is definately something to blow a horn over!

  • Make it 41,001. I am going to buy a copy this week! I was going to get a book anyway so I might as well support a fellow CPF member.
  • was the first poker book i ever read, honeslty cause it is was the cheapest one at chapters. but it definatley got the job done. and i think through looking up your old personal website i found this gem of a forum. congrats on the sales though.
  • Soon to be 41,001 on my behalf.
  • That is excellent! Congratulations on your book. Here's to the next 41000. ( raising drink ) Yahoo!
  • +1
    Just picked up your book last night, and had trouble putting it down. However, I regret to inform you, Dave, that it was in the "Bargain Books" bin at the local Chapters store. Good news for anyone in Waterloo however (or probably any Chapters location), you can pick up a copy for $9.99 (only 12 left in Waterloo!).
  • +1
    Just picked up your book last night, and had trouble putting it down.  However, I regret to inform you, Dave,  that it was in the "Bargain Books" bin at the local Chapters store.  Good news for anyone in Waterloo however (or probably any Chapters location), you can pick up a copy for $9.99 (only 12 left in Waterloo!).
    You can buy it online for that price now too. Just win WSOP, Dave and see what happens to the sales!!!
  • It is usually a bargain book (that's why sales are high). My publisher sells in high volume, final sale, to major sellers. The only place that it is in traditional sales is in the U.K.

    Do you have second printing? Typos eliminated.
  • Bought it, read it, loved it.

    Great bargain too.
  • Perhaps everyone registering for the Team Canuck on-line tourney this weekend should get a copy?

    Seriously tho, look forward to picking it up!
  • You will find that I do not, usually, practice what I preach...
  • The force is strong with this one. :D
  • Dave,

    Just picked up your book at Chapters on Whyte Ave here in Edmonton. A great deal at $9.99
    I had actually walked by it a few times as I figured it was just another of what seems like dozens of poker books out there. Then I picked it up and it had Dave Scharf's name on the cover. :)

    Anyway, I read the whole book tonight. (difficult to put down) Very informative and entertaining.

    Good luck at the WSOP this year.
  • I borrowed the book from a friend - and since I gave it back I am looking to buy another copy.
    Dave's book is super super awesome - I learned so much from that book - and learned to keep good
    stats, which, one year later I must say are just awesome to look back on.

    Congrats on the 40,000 and here's to hitting 100,000+
  • Wish I had added this to my recent order.  You can be the first to review it at...

    Dave, you're in good company...

    Customers who bought Winning at Poker: Essential Hints & Tips also bought:

    Small Stakes Hold'em by Edward Miller (Author), et al
    Harrington on Hold 'em by Dan Harrington (Author), Bill Robertie (Author)
    Tournament Poker for Advanced Players by David Sklansky (Author)
  • You will find that I do not, usually, practice what I preach...

    Welcome to earth. It's like that here. lol

    Congrats on the book sales Dave. And I still want my copy signed some day, if I ever see the B+M again. Hmmm...maybe at the new casino when it's done. I have a feeling I'm gonna want to check that puppy out. hehe
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