
  • thisORthat wrote: »

    #6 Thinking JJ is still good after the flop!
  • I quote the philosopher Chad . . .

    "There are six ways you csn play JJ. ALL of them are wrong . . . "
  • edited April 2020
    My thought process when I think someone is bluffing [and they typically aren't]

  • edited January 2021
  • Just be careful about the utg limper, if he re-raises that is K's or A's. I would never do that however..
  • I'm almost forty years old and am still learning how to to a joke.
    In most instances the appropriate response is to have a sensible chuckle?

  • 3 bet or 5 bet the bully with 7-2...
  • compuease wrote: »
    3 bet or 5 bet the bully with 7-2...
    Hey Comp, stop giving away my secrets!
  • edited September 2021

  • edited September 2021

  • thisORthat wrote: »

    Ahaha :) It's about me

  • edited October 2022
  • thisORthat wrote: »

    I know you weren't there but God damn this comic nailed the discussion around the mixed games the other day lol

  • >this comic nailed the discussion around the mixed games the other day

    this meme came out in 2016 presidential debates---being LOUD had it perks
    id like to blame 'reality tv' for society turning into Idiocracy but its only human nature which is fallible ?
  • thisORthat wrote: »
    >this comic nailed the discussion around the mixed games the other day

    this meme came out in 2016 presidential debates---being LOUD had it perks
    id like to blame 'reality tv' for society turning into Idiocracy but its only human nature which is fallible ?


    There is no "one thing" to point to... and people have been dumbfucks for generations. You can find examples of all the "greatest hits" of dumbfuckery throughout history.... look up things like "Nobody wants to work", and "Vaccines are the devil's/ big pharma / government" etc etc.. stuff from early print ads.

  • re: "Nobody wants to work" ...
    if 'working a nine to five' aint gonna afford the basics (rent,gas,&groceries et al) then why bother?

    You see that 'Big Parma'(as in Parmesan cheese) is putting micro-chips in their products to prevent counterfeiting...
    (. . . tune in, tune out, drop out of 'the rat race' ?) the least of societal problems mainly being ill prepared for 'the future' ?


    I stopped 'tuning into "the news"' and prefer funny memes over reality of being left holding the empty bag (greater fool economic theory). I'd rather read of book or mindlessly be that button clicker playing online poker.
  • I can't believe it !!!
    [context; recent WSOP melodrama with winning player having coach(es) on side-lines)]
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