Privacy on the internet

I just listened to a podcast about privacy and hacking. Is it crazy how easy it is to steal people's social media accounts and possibly sell your house just because of the information you put on the internet.

1. please do not use the same password on multiple accounts, and definitely don't just add an exclamation mark to your used to password when a symbol is needed.
2. Do not use your phone number as your backup to lost password, if you do i, myself, can call your phone provider and fake that you lost your phone and have access to every account that is backed by a phone number. Imagine any advanced hacker can do. Do not treat your phone number as a password. Use google authentication or password manager.

This podcast freaked me out and i urge everyone to listen to it and gain awareness and knowledge of how to protect yourself.



  • I honestly try not to think about stuff like this. Any decent hacker that wants to target me could do so very easily no matter how difficult my passwords are or whatever precautions I take. I just hope I don't get unlucky. This is the technological age we live in and sadly most people do not know how to use computers well enough to know how to protect themselves. And don't even get me started on the amount of information that people voluntarily put out onto the internet about themselves - it's utterly cringe-worthy.
  • I've heard basically that passwords are there to make people think they're safe online...

    Trigs has a point.. that's why my protection is being a social worker... not enough money to bother stealing.

  • I will add to this when I get some time, hopefully this evening. I have lots of real life examples as I or one of my guys deal with it a few times a week with clients.. and I don't mean we are doing the hacking.. lol
  • One of the largest growing segments in commercial insurance is cyber insurance - insuring against a data breach or cyber theft
  • I've always had this fear of the Internet. That's why this is the closest I have to a social media account.
  • did anyone listen to the episode? its super good and will also get a few laughs out of it.
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