

  • I'd like to see more of this.

    lol and NDP being brats and blocking the Tory MP
  • The "blocking" was entirely a charade. If you watch video of the incident, only the side that the CPC Whip is on, is being "blocked". He could have walked around the other side of the table. He did not WANT to do so.
  • Looks like you were a bit premature declaring the honeymoon over.

    Majority (63%) of Canadians Say Trudeau Elbow Incident is ?No Big Deal? as Approval Ratings (62%) Remain Strong | Ipsos
    The extended honeymoon for the Liberals continues: if an election were held tomorrow, the Liberals under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would receive 46% of the decided popular vote compared to just 30% for the Tories under Interim Leader Rona Ambrose.
    Interestingly, Conservative voters are the only voters with a significantly-different opinion from the rest of Canadians: 70% of Tory voters believe it is a serious issue which raises questions about the Prime Minister, while 30% think it’s no big deal and we need to move on.

    Seems like the majority of people who think less of Trudeau after the incident are Conservatives who didn't like him the first place. No votes lost. He'll come out of this even more popular than he already is, just like Chretien did when he adminstered the Shawinigan Handshake.

    That must bother you knowing that Trudeau can do just about anything and the people will still love him. ;)
  • elbow-tit is fair game, regardless of political affiliation.

    well played Justin...
  • Bfillmaff wrote: »
    elbow-tit is fair game, regardless of political affiliation.

    well played Justin...

    Nobody likes the NDP.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    Looks like you were a bit premature declaring the honeymoon over.

    Honeymoon in the press is over . . . which is how it usually starts. As for my feelings, Trudeau has done some decent things in office so far (refugees), and some poor things (omnibus bills like he slammed Harper for). There are some troubling procedural changes he is trying to push through, that even his authoritarian father did not attempt, that bear watching. If Harper had tried them, the uproar would have been deafening. But, as it is the Liberals, all is well.

    As to "elbow-gate", I am firmly in the "move on" camp. The NDP and the CPC were playing games to antagonize the Liberals, and it worked. I am more concerned about this . . .

    Matt Gurney: Forget the errant elbow. The real scandal is the Liberals? assault on Parliament | National Post
  • Wasn't too long ago the Conservatives were defending time allocation and omnibus bills as legitimate tools of the legislature. I guess they've had a change of heart.
  • Conservatives NEVER went as far as the Liberal proposal envisions . . . not even CLOSE. And my counter to your omnibus bill comment is this . . . the Liberals seem to have had an equal if opposite change of heart themselves. So, I guess they are BOTH awful in that regard.

    Though . . . if you're honest, this was the sort of crap they were campaigning against, wasn't it?
  • LOL triggered
  • Naturally . . . sheesh.
  • Never trust a man who shaves his chest . . . LOL
  • elias theodorou?

  • Would not vote for the Spartan, either.
  • I would like him better if he would have allowed the "conscience rights" amendment to C-14 to pass today. So much for more free votes.
  • Like Harper gave judges the ability to determine sentencing?

  • I think there's a huge difference between the two. People that go into the medical field to help heal people (hopefully). Nobody to my knowledge has healed by being assisted in dying.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Like Harper gave judges the ability to determine sentencing?


    EXACTLY. It was a horrible move by the government in BOTH cases. I have NEVER supported minimum sentence strictures., just as I have always opposed so-called zero-tolerance policies.

    Mark, you KNOW my position on this, yet you continue to try and pigeon hole me into your notion of the stereotypical Conservative Party voter. Or at least you perception of one.
  • I just noticed a similarity (though, I do think the MMS is far worse of an idea done for far shittier reasons).

    Do I think doctor's who have profound moral / ethical obligations to assisted suicide should have to do so? No, not particularly... but likely only because of the idea it's basically a grandfather clause. Modern training for doctors needs to dispel the myth that choosing one's own path of exit is not a moral misstep.

  • And I am sure that it will. But that will be a generational change of attitude, one which is bound to be unsatisfactory to the zealots on the side of euthanasia. There is already talk in Ontario that the proposed Law will not withstand a Charter challenge as it is so restrictive in scope of who can "qualify".

    Gee . . .legislation being passed that is almost sure to be overturned . . . remind you of anyone?
  • More fun and games . . .

    Edmonton MP spends $800k to renovate his Ministerial Office

    Cabinet Minister decides to resign to seek treatment fot addiction issues, but ALSO decides to leave caucus, unlike two previous MPs.

    And, because it is close to home, that woman at the CPC convention who denounced "her" Party as racist? turns out she has been a Brampton West Riding Executive Director since 2014. Google Urz Heer . . .

    funfunfun . . .
  • Ottawa owes veterans no ?duty of care,? federal lawyers argue in case - The Globe and Mail

    So, while they were a rump Party in the last Parliament, this position was a terrible idea, and Trudeau himself said in a letter that the government should, "live up to our sacred obligations to Veterans," and, "re-establish lifelong pensions as an option."

    Quite the difference two years makes, eh? Disgusting. Even Harper had the good sense to back away from this notion
  • Oh . . . and a new version of the National Anthem . . . because it's 1913.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Oh . . . and a new version of the National Anthem . . . because it's 1913.

    This just in... what's old is new again..

    Inclusive decisions generally considered a good thing among forward thinking.

  • Learn English . . . the passage being changed is not considered to be gender specific under the rules of the English language. sort of like how "mankind" is not gender specific either. Read this for context . . .

    Andrew Coyne: Behold the literal-minded citizens who triumphed in rewriting our national anthem | National Post

    Changing the words is just the pet project of some guy. It gets traction because he is dying

    Oh, and if you want to be inclusive, you better ask them to stop singing the French lyrics at Habs games next season.

    Lyrics to French O Canada still a politically correct nightmare, but nobody cares | National Post
  • You say that as if I'm not okay with that?

    I would love Canada to lead the world (THE WORLD) in anthem - inclusiveness.

  • No, I say that to point out the hypocrisy of a Quebec MP wanting to make the English version "inclusive, while completely ignoring the French lyrics which are even LESS inclusive than the English ones. wonder why that is . . .
  • And, while everyone in government was falling all over themselves to change the Anthem, this happened.

    Robyn Urback: Why did the Liberals shoot down a bill aimed at improving Canada?s system of organ donation? | National Post

    But hey, this country only lags behind virtually EVERY OTHER nation in the developed world in organ donations, so who cares? At least our Anthem is inclusive.
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