sorel mizzi health challenge

Healthy living in relation to improving our game

i'm not in the greatest shape in general and i really don't care too much, but man this challenge makes me want to do this. i could care less about the physical. i'm just interested in the reward:

"I will take the winner of this challenge under my wing and do everything I can to help them improve their poker game. It can be anyone. I will help a losing player become a winning player and a winning player increase their ROI and feel more comfortable at higher stakes. This will include reviewing hand histories, sending hand histories of past online tournaments I’ve played, discussing online/live tournament strategy in-depth and making myself available for questions. I’ll do this for at least a year and probably longer on a less time consuming scale. I’m basically using this challenge to find a student that I can teach everything I know about poker to. There is also a future possibility of a staking arrangement. The idea of teaching someone everything I know about poker and helping them fix their leaks and improve their game drastically is very appealing to me."


  • I was a personal trainer. I have a college dimploma in fitness and health and I am 6 foot, 175 lbs of lean muscle with 7%fat :)

    I could win this but do I want to try? hmmm
  • I was a personal trainer. I have a college dimploma in fitness and health and I am 6 foot, 175 lbs of lean muscle with 7%fat :)

    I could win this but do I want to try? hmmm

    They are looking for a transformation, not the most fit person to apply.
  • ya and doesnt OP ask for help with it???
  • ya and doesnt OP ask for help with it???

    No, he is looking for others to join in with what he is doing.
  • oh. Mis-read it then. thought he was looking for fitness help. Ill excuse myself from this thread nicely then ;)
  • I might apply for this, I need to get in shape badly lol
  • oh. Mis-read it then. thought he was looking for fitness help. Ill excuse myself from this thread nicely then ;)

    Rent fat suit for before picture. Ez game.
  • Moose . . . you're doing it wrong. You ALWAYS take the "after" pictures FIRST. Then you load up on the donuts, shakes, and assorted other crap for a few days, and take the "before" picture. Sheesh . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Moose . . . you're doing it wrong. You ALWAYS take the "after" pictures FIRST. Then you load up on the donuts, shakes, and assorted other crap for a few days, and take the "before" picture. Sheesh . . .

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats too funny!

    after picture ;)
  • such a shameless brag and he's not even trying to hide it lol
  • haha thank you.. I dont care.. all the hard work and strict eating I am going to. how it is
  • Mental note: never insult neverlookback in case I play him live later.
  • Pffft . . . like that sissy is really him. As if . . .

  • haha. that was from december of 2011. Im a bit more lean now and bigger. but not much.

    and yes, it is me... dont make me prooooooove it haha

    But good luck Trig's. Let me know if you wanna know how to eat well and natural for gradual weight loss. its not that hard, just takes some discipline
  • Sorel is an awesome coach. Who ever wins this is lucky.
  • and yes, it is me... dont make me prooooooove it haha

    Pic of you holding a "PFC Rocks" sign doing your best Ahnold pose or it didn't happen.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Sorel is an awesome coach. Who ever wins this is lucky.

    wtf is this? lol.. pic holding sign saying PFC Rocks or your not real!
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Sorel is an awesome coach. Who ever wins this is lucky.

    Get back to your assignment !!!
  • its not that hard, just takes some discipline

    i'm screwed.
  • HAHAH.. stick with the basics.

    on an average day I will get up and eat some corn flakes with rainsins in soymilk with muscle milk meal replacement mixed in. (SOO YUMMY) or I will have quick oats with egg white omelets.

    eat small snacks throughout the day of almonds, low fat cottage cheese etc and for lunch, tuna or chicken salad and supper would be something like chicken/fish with a vegetable and potato or rice. taper down carbo's later in the night. a lot in the morning and less as the day goes.

    I also play squash 2-3 times a week for 2.5 hours straight, weights 2 times a week. run 6 k's everyother day in the park. thats all it took for me to go from 205 and slightly chubby last June to that picture in december of last year. although from sept to feb of this year I was doing HARD ASSSSS weights 5 days a week and cardio only twice a week. I am in cut mode now so less weights and more cardio and stricter eating.
  • HAHAH.. stick with the basics.

    on an average day I will get up and eat some corn flakes with rainsins in soymilk with muscle milk meal replacement mixed in. (SOO YUMMY) or I will have quick oats with egg white omelets.

    eat small snacks throughout the day of almonds, low fat cottage cheese etc and for lunch, tuna or chicken salad and supper would be something like chicken/fish with a vegetable and potato or rice. taper down carbo's later in the night. a lot in the morning and less as the day goes.

    I also play squash 2-3 times a week for 2.5 hours straight, weights 2 times a week. run 6 k's everyother day in the park. thats all it took for me to go from 205 and slightly chubby last June to that picture in december of last year. although from sept to feb of this year I was doing HARD ASSSSS weights 5 days a week and cardio only twice a week. I am in cut mode now so less weights and more cardio and stricter eating.

    thanks for that neverlookback.
  • its not all about measuring out and timing and all this crazy stuff you will read about in fitness mags.
    just try to eat a good variety of whole foods. your staples should be chicken, fish, veggies, potatoes/rice. fill the rest in with protein shakes, almonds, yogurts and other small snack stuff. eat every 2-3 hours though! but also you need to work out sorry it sucks but its a must
  • that's what I'm doing wrong.....I thought eating Ketchup chips, drinking Ginger Ale, sitting on my azzz playing online poker and watching TV was the way to go......who knew

    I'd be in for a PFC 'get in shape' bet. My World's Health membership is a bi-weekly bill, and I use it as much as Russians use the fold button on Stars.
  • i live on delissio pizza's and cases upon cases of green monster's and redbull

    oh, and i chain smoke cigarettes with the window open lmao
  • the poker player lifestyle is not the most healthy from what I have seen.
  • costanza wrote: »
    i live on delissio pizza's, subway and cases upon cases of green monster's and redbull

    oh, and i chain smoke cigarettes with the window open lmao

    fyp... you're still alive?
  • compuease wrote: »
    fyp... you're still alive?

    nice FYP sir >:D
  • HAHAH.. stick with the basics.

    on an average day I will get up and eat some corn flakes with rainsins in soymilk with muscle milk meal replacement mixed in. (SOO YUMMY) or I will have quick oats with egg white omelets.

    eat small snacks throughout the day of almonds, low fat cottage cheese etc and for lunch, tuna or chicken salad and supper would be something like chicken/fish with a vegetable and potato or rice. taper down carbo's later in the night. a lot in the morning and less as the day goes.

    I also play squash 2-3 times a week for 2.5 hours straight, weights 2 times a week. run 6 k's everyother day in the park. thats all it took for me to go from 205 and slightly chubby last June to that picture in december of last year. although from sept to feb of this year I was doing HARD ASSSSS weights 5 days a week and cardio only twice a week. I am in cut mode now so less weights and more cardio and stricter eating.

    But where does beer fit in?
  • all depends on how bad you want that bod. I just came back from 6 k jog then right into 3 foot high step up's (15 reps of 4 sets, each leg - BUUURNN)

    I could sit on my balcony with a brew and watch the sunset but I went from a few spoons of low fat cottage cheese, some grapes and tin a sardines. mmmmmmm ;)
  • all depends on how bad you want that bod. I just came back from 6 k jog then right into 3 foot high step up's (15 reps of 4 sets, each leg - BUUURNN)

    I could sit on my balcony with a brew and watch the sunset but I went from a few spoons of low fat cottage cheese, some grapes and tin a sardines. mmmmmmm ;)

    your smiley creeps me the fuck out, straight up
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