

  • just read this...man that's harsh

    be interesting to see if someone tries to sell the bracelet on Ebay.
  • hmm, is the bracelet insured? that's really harsh to lose it
  • Saw pix of the bracelet. Why is the ME bracelet the ugliest of the lot?
  • Maybe we should "forum" protect Pudge?
  • Might be an idea . . .
  • IMO its Canada, really if it was the states I would not be quite as surprised. Tell ya I been broke in when I was not home and had stuff taken. If I ever see or catch anyone doing such a thing in the act, 2 wrongs dont make a right, but really I dont care lets put it that way.
  • Castle Doctrine in effect at my house, baby.
  • I'm a little confused by the reward being offered? How much do i get for the bracelet and one of the thieves?
  • Milo wrote: »

    IMO the guy's a cheap prick having a sliding scale on a reward?? he wins $9MM last year and he is worried about $10k?? what's that, like a couple weeks interest.
  • 5k?? screw that, the thives knew what they were doing and what they took, makes me wonder if its even sold or kept......cases close then something happens somewhere no one knows whats going on in poker at pawn shop "X"

    its slightly too bad really
  • Only thing that would hard to ditch would be the bracelet. Everything else could be gone already, if these guys have brains.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    IMO the guy's a cheap prick having a sliding scale on a reward?? he wins $9MM last year and he is worried about $10k?? what's that, like a couple weeks interest.

    He didn't end up with anything close to 9M.
  • ryanghall wrote: »
    He didn't end up with anything close to 9M.

    He should be a member of this forum so he could have avoided the 30% w/h tax lol. To me it just seems petty the way he has a structured the reward. The bracelets not worth $10k by itself?
  • To the owner, the bracelet is priceless. To the thieves it is worth it's weight in gold, literally, plus the wholesale on the diamonds. That is probably about $10k, so why pay more as a reward? If I am Duhamel, I am claiming it all through my insurance (and if he doesn't have any, fuck 'im), and going to the WSOP to commission a replacement. As for the watch, take the insurance $$$ and buy something better.
  • Milo wrote: »
    and going to the WSOP to commission a replacement.

    If they will do this.
  • Thought I read somwhere that a former champ got one replaced at some point . . . could be wrong, though . . .
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    He should be a member of this forum so he could have avoided the 30% w/h tax lol.

    Why be so hard on him just because he's not here to defend? And being a member here wouldn't have helped him, you are kidding right?
  • the bracelet is worth 50k, plus there are people out there that would pay a lot more for it, but the guy who took it wont have that option. All other wsop bracelets are worth 20k though. Found this out when pudge won lol
  • the bracelet is worth 50k, plus there are people out there that would pay a lot more for it, but the guy who took it wont have that option. All other wsop bracelets are worth 20k though. Found this out when pudge won lol

    That is what they CLAIM it is worth, i.e. what to insure it for. I doubt very much that even Duhamel (as owner) would be able to get close to 50k for it, if he tried to sell it, piece it out. Diamonds are the most over-inflated gemstone on the market, thanks to DeBeers.

    Glad they made some arrests, and I hope the bracelet has not been melted down.
  • Can get way more than 50k for it lol Some poker players with pay a lot for those.
  • Can get way more than 50k for it lol Some poker players with pay a lot for those.

    How much did you offer Pudge?
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    How much did you offer Pudge?

    lol i didnt, i figured I could wait a year to get my own :P
  • Wow

    I'm kinda surprised at the callousness towards the victim of a crime in ITT. Fact that he's offering a reward at all and people are scoffing at it really says a lot about how entitled everyone feels. This man was violated, and had his stuff taken for no reason. People should be happy if they find his stuff and return it to the rightful owner period.

  • Hi! I'm Raymond from Manitoulin Island Ontario Canada
  • :)
    lol i didnt, i figured I could wait a year to get my own :P
  • :)


    What game are we playing here?
  • +1.
    DrTyore wrote: »
    I'm kinda surprised at the callousness towards the victim of a crime in ITT. Fact that he's offering a reward at all and people are scoffing at it really says a lot about how entitled everyone feels. This man was violated, and had his stuff taken for no reason. People should be happy if they find his stuff and return it to the rightful owner period.
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