Shorthanded games

Does anyone have a good idea of what some of your PT stats should look like in 6 handed limit games (VP$IP, PF raise, etc.)? I've been experimenting with the shorthanded .50-1 limit games on Stars (which seem to be much livelier than the full ring games). As well, what adjustments should typically be made for starting requirements in these games? I tend to find myself playing my hands much more aggressively in these games than the full games (less worry of being up against a dominating hand).


  • Here are my stats for $25 and the $50 NL (6 max) tables on Party:

    Total Hands: 4188
    VP$IP (Voluntarily Put $ in Pot): 24.28%
    PFR (Pre-flop Raise): 5.56%
    W$SD (Won $ at Showdown): 55.81%
    BB/100 Hands: 20.25
    Win Rate Per 100 Hands: $32.29

    I definately relax my starting hand requirements, but mostly I wait around until I have a hand and wait for somebody to make a mistake against me when I hit. I have no idea what to relate my stats to, so I'm not really sure what they mean.

    Also, with only 4200 hands at these levels, I'm not sure if I have enough to make all of the stats useful at this time.
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