MTT Question. Please answer :D

I have some cash burning a hole in my neteller pocket and I'm looking for MTT's and SNG;s around the $5 or $10 level to play. I have accounts on party, ultimatebet, stars and gaming club. What would you guys say would be the best place to get into playing MTT's where the competition isnt filled with fish. That rules party out. I do quite well on 1/2 rings, I use poker tracker, I win $5/$10 sng single and multi table tournys on a steady basis. I think I'm ready to hit the MTTs. Any ideas are truly appreaciated.



  • In my mind PokerStars is the only place for online tournaments.

    You want to avoid fish?

  • I agree with scotty, if you want tough competition go to Stars, and likely avoid the re-buy events also.

    But if you want a good balance actually UB is decent, but i just don't find they're interface quite as enjoyable for tournaments for some reason, likely just a personal thing.
  • Build bankroll at Party, build experience at Stars
  • I disagree with
    likely avoid the re-buy events also
    especially as of late. There have been well over 20,000 sometimes close to 30,000 players on Stars during the evening. I have seen the 10:15 pm $10 rebuy (which probably more funds than SR wants to commit) with around 1,000 players. I think the 6:45 $5 rebuy has some excellent value as you are often putting up $15 for a $10,000 - $15,000 prize pool. I really enjoy the MTT at Pokerstars and think that the level play isn’t that high. There are good players at Pokerstars but when there are 600 - 2,000 players in a tourney how many great players can there be? Anyway I suggest PokerStars but I am basis to them since I mostly player there.
  • I totally agree with ScottyZ!!!

    Why would you want to play somewhere without fish?

    I think Pokerstars is the best place for MTT. The blinds in relation to the initial stack sizes, the time for each blind level and the Antes kicking is good. Oh, and the time clock. And, the nine players per table and how they collapse tables. All good, except for the fact that I can't win a freaking race if my life depended on it, but that's another story.

  • sweetjimmi wrote:
    I disagree with especially as of late. There have been well over 20,000 sometimes close to 30,000 players on Stars during the evening. I have seen the 10:15 pm $10 rebuy (which probably more funds than SR wants to commit) with around 1,000 players. I think the 6:45 $5 rebuy has some excellent value as you are often putting up $15 for a $10,000 - $15,000 prize pool. I really enjoy the MTT at Pokerstars and think that the level play isn’t that high. There are good players at Pokerstars but when there are 600 - 2,000 players in a tourney how many great players can there be? Anyway I suggest PokerStars but I am basis to them since I mostly player there.

    i should clarify sweetjimmi,

    myself i play in the 10:15 on stars usually at least once a week if not more often. what i meant though is that for a person on a tight initial bankroll i would in general avoid re-buy events. The reason is simple, for larger events you'll need to be willing to committ a decent sum of money (between potentially multiple re-buys, and the add-on ... due to the fact that people on stars re-buys really really really like to gamble in that opening hour). The other possibility is really tiny micro buy-in re-buy tourneys which play like a total crap shoot the whole way ... until the very end.

    I've never played a $5 re-buy on stars, but maybe that's a happy medium.
  • Chugs, I agree completely. You decide how much of your bankroll your willing to commit. The $5 rebuys are just as crazy if not more so.

    A side note, in my last 10:15 rebuy I was lucky enough to be moved to a table with Pharlap 2. For those of you who do not know Pharlap or play at PStars Pharlap is a regular at the final tables of MTT at many different buy-in levels. Anyway she uses the risk everything to build your stack up to $15,000+ in chips before the rebuy period is over stradegy(or at least a modified version of it). These type of players are so much fun to have at your table but they cost you a pile of rebuys when they suckout on you.

    I will probably be playing the 10:15 tonight so if any of you are playing I will drop by your table and say hi.
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