Ohhhhhh I love party........

***** Hand History for Game 1428010447 *****
$2/$4 Hold'em - Wednesday, January 12, 21:44:07 EDT 2005
Table Table 15678 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 2: dukeblue ( $48.5 )
Seat 4: Blazer694 ( $111.5 )
Seat 6: SatchelWilco ( $113 )
Seat 7: Cloeynoir ( $57 )
Seat 8: Latrobar ( $190 )
Seat 10: Kris_Tan16 ( $357 )
Seat 9: Redington ( $107 )
Seat 5: HENFE ( $99.5 )
Seat 1: TheDevilis99 ( $38 )
Seat 3: kidme2003 ( $83.5 )
SatchelWilco posts small blind [$1].
Cloeynoir posts big blind [$2].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Redington [ Js Tc ]
Latrobar folds.
Redington calls [$2].
Kris_Tan16 folds.
TheDevilis99 folds.
dukeblue calls [$2].
kidme2003 folds.
Blazer694 calls [$2].
HENFE folds.
SatchelWilco calls [$1].
Cloeynoir checks.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 7d, 9c, 8d ]
SatchelWilco checks.
Cloeynoir checks.
Redington checks.
dukeblue bets [$2].
Blazer694 calls [$2].
SatchelWilco calls [$2].
Cloeynoir folds.
Redington calls [$2].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 3c ]
SatchelWilco checks.
Redington bets [$4].
dukeblue raises [$8].
Blazer694 calls [$8].
SatchelWilco calls [$8].
Redington raises [$8].
dukeblue calls [$4].
Blazer694 calls [$4].
SatchelWilco calls [$4].
** Dealing River ** [ 3d ]
SatchelWilco checks.
Redington bets [$4].
dukeblue calls [$4].
Blazer694 raises [$8].
SatchelWilco folds.
Redington calls [$4].
dukeblue calls [$4].
Blazer694 shows [ Ad, 6d ] a flush, ace high.
Redington shows [ Js, Tc ] a straight, seven to jack.
dukeblue shows [ 8c, 8s ] a full house, Eights full of threes.
dukeblue wins $87 from the main pot with a full house, Eights full of threes.

oooohhhhh I love parrrrrrrttty, love how I paid him off too

dumb da dumb dumb


  • I'll be honest except for on the turn i can't fault the betting with the guy who had the set. He laid down and just called on the flop, aiming to get his big raise in on the turn (with what he assumed was the best hand)

    Really the only faults i found in that whole hand were, you betting the river, when the river paired and brought the card that made the flush. Maybe i'm just not agressive enough, what really amazes me is the guy with a full house doesn't put a raise in on the river, maybe he feared top full house or runner runner quads ... who knows :)
  • The most surprising thing about this hand is that you were beat by 88 and not by 93, 83, or 73... it is party after all!!!
  • What I'm wondering is why you didn't raise the flop for value with everyone already trapped for one bet. Would have made no difference in the outcome of the hand unless you won, in which case you collected 3 more SB.
  • SlantNGo wrote:
    What I'm wondering is why you didn't raise the flop for value with everyone already trapped for one bet. Would have made no difference in the outcome of the hand unless you won, in which case you collected 3 more SB.
    The reason he did this was to trap. By checkraising the flop, someone with say A9 may not raise the turn, but if you just smooth call flop and they bet turn, you get an EXTRA BB instead of a .5BB from cr flop.

    IMO, this hand could have been played two ways, either bet the flop (to bet the flush draw out which won't happen), so might as well just slowplay it and get more value if the turn doesn't make the flush.

    Also, you said he may have got 3 more SB. Thats only if you know the other person has a big hand, which you don't. I doubt they would cap the flop and turn with A9 or even 98 (person may thing there is a set or straight). its just like if you flop the NUT FLUSH, why raise now if you will only force out some competition or lose bigger bets.
  • SlantNGo wrote:
    What I'm wondering is why you didn't raise the flop for value with everyone already trapped for one bet. Would have made no difference in the outcome of the hand unless you won, in which case you collected 3 more SB.

    Well, I was trying to trap and get value. Didn't think someone would have a set, was thinking top pair or two pair (small chance).

    This also allowed me to get a raise in on the turn, where I was still a 2-1 favorite for the hand before the river.

    Plus I really didnt see the Fullhouse (HUGE mistake) or the flush (to be in for 7BB on that chase, I should have expected with bad play).

    But I do post this to remind me of my stooooooopidty.

  • You also don't know that he'll raise the turn if you bet out. Even with quads in that situation (all flop trapped for 1 bet), I would raise the flop and trap them all for 1 more.
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