not thinking pays off

i just finsihed a great session (36bb/1 hour), and the majority (~28BB) of the winnings comes from this hand.....

Game #242657914: Texas Hold'em Limit ($1/$2) - 2005/01/11 - 15:28:18 ()
Table "Crimson" Seat 2 is the button.
Seat 1: no_tell ($40.75 in chips)
Seat 2: Mrwhippy6 ($24 in chips)
Seat 3: Tari26101 ($94 in chips)
Seat 4: __zbbz ($15.25 in chips)
Seat 5: _aegis888 ($19.25 in chips)
Seat 6: Dres17 ($44 in chips)
Seat 7: Judge ($58 in chips)
Seat 8: Gazgits1 ($41.50 in chips)
Seat 9: Carpets ($58 in chips)
Seat 10: yorkie1 ($20 in chips)
Tari26101: posts small blind $0.50
__zbbz: posts big blind $1
yorkie1: posts big blind $1
dealt to no_tell [As Qs]
_aegis888: folds
Dres17: folds
Judge: folds
Gazgits1: calls $1
Carpets: folds
yorkie1: raises $1
no_tell: calls $2
Tari26101: calls $1.50
__zbbz: calls $1
Gazgits1: calls $1
[7d Ah 2h]
Tari26101: bets $1
__zbbz: calls $1
Gazgits1: calls $1
yorkie1: calls $1
no_tell: raises $2
Tari26101: raises $2
__zbbz: calls $2
Gazgits1: calls $2
yorkie1: calls $2
no_tell: calls $1
[7d Ah 2h][9s]
Tari26101: bets $2
__zbbz: calls $2
Gazgits1: calls $2
yorkie1: calls $2
no_tell: calls $2
[7d Ah 2h 9s][Qc]
Tari26101: bets $2
__zbbz: folds
Gazgits1: folds
yorkie1: calls $2
no_tell: raises $4
Tari26101: raises $4
yorkie1: calls $4
no_tell: raises $4
Tari26101: calls $2
yorkie1: calls $2
no_tell: shows [As Qs] (Two Pairs, Aces and Queens, Nine high)
Tari26101: mucks hand
yorkie1: mucks hand
no_tell collected $56.25 from Main pot
Total pot $59 Main pot $56.25 Rake $2.75
Board [7d Ah 2h 9s Qc]
Seat 1: no_tell showed [As Qs] and won ($56.25) with Two Pairs, Aces and Queens, Nine high
Seat 3: Tari26101 (small blind) mucked
Seat 4: __zbbz (big blind) folded on the River
Seat 5: _aegis888 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: Dres17 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Judge folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: Gazgits1 folded on the River
Seat 9: Carpets folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 10: yorkie1 (big blind) mucked

how bad are my river raises?

yorkie1 was calling most everything down and never winning, so he didnt concern me,
and i had tari on AK from the flop 3bet
i never for a second considered being up against a set - was that stupid???
any critisism is welcome


  • I know you mean this in jest, but not thinking never, ever pays off. Always be thinking -- even if it's wrong. That alone is a huge asset.

    As for your hand. AQs is a HUGE hand in late position in a low limit game. I would be re-raising this hand in an instant. Aggression is always good.

    Also, don't worry about defining your hand. Giving information is ok. It's extremely important, as it will save you BBs on the turn and river. Because you didn't re-raise the flop, you had to play a guessing game at the flop and the river.

    If you re-raise pre-flop,

    a) and you're getting played back on the flop, it's more likely the opponent has two-pair, as they will think you have something like AK, AQ.
    b) and you're getting played back on the turn, it's more likely the opponent has the set
    c) and you're getting played back on the river, its very likely the opponent has the set

    Always be thinking.

  • As for your hand. AQs is a HUGE hand in late position in a low limit game. I would be re-raising this hand in an instant. Aggression is always good.

    I think this statement deserves an asterix. You could make it three with this hand, but if the preflop raiser is tight you are either outright dominated (and going to lose a LOT) or up against a pair, either way you are behind. Miller's book recommends only cold calling with AQs but reraising with AKs+, JJ+ and I tend to agree with him.

    Of course, if you have any kind of read, throw that logic away.
  • BBC Z wrote:
    I think this statement deserves an asterix. You could make it three with this hand, but if the preflop raiser is tight you are either outright dominated (and going to lose a LOT) or up against a pair, either way you are behind. Miller's book recommends only cold calling with AQs but reraising with AKs+, JJ+ and I tend to agree with him.

    Of course, if you have any kind of read, throw that logic away.

    There's a raise by a late player in a low limit game with a limper in MP (not likely a limp-raisor). The range of raising hands goes down to Group 4, and AQs is only a top group 2 hand, which requires a re-raise by someone with position.

    A few things can happen, all of which are good. First, you may (not very likely, but it's a possibilty) isolate the raiser. And in many instances when it does happen, you'll take down this pot post-flop with a bet. And, with position you can do so many things, like checking a four flush draw, or gutshot str8 -- both of which when you hit the turn, you can take down a huge pot.

    The other thing which can happen is that it becomes a multi-way capped pot, pre-flop. This is more likely at a low-limit. You have a premium and that's only behind to a few hands, and you may be behind only one player. However, all the other players are giving you odds to make this +EV for you. And when you do flop hard, you have lots of happy customers who are will to pay you.

    As the button with the best position, you can also get away from your hand when you don't flop hard. However, you need to define your hand to be able to get away from it. By just calling pre-flop you're not really telling your opponents anything. Yes, that's good, but it's far better to announce you have a good hand. That way if there's allot of aciton ahead of you, you know someone can beat your really good hand and you can get away from it. However, the pre-flop smooth call does nothing to define your hand, and as you see it's really hard to know what to do post-flop, as you really never know how far ahead or behind you might be.

    Now, if the pre-flop raise comes from UTG rock, and it's folded to you, I'd say it's easy fold. You're likely behind, and you don't have any other players willing to chase the cheese.

    But the OP was late, with a late raisor, and likely some blinds that want to play! Way too good to pass-up a pre-flop re-raise.

  • Sure, if you go look at his chart, that's what it says. But a with a late position raise right in front of you, it's a re-raise with AQs. If there's a cold-caller in between us, it's a cold-call.
    BBC Z wrote:
    Miller's book recommends only cold calling with AQs but reraising with AKs+, JJ+ and I tend to agree with him.
  • It's an asterix... I wasn't saying you were wrong just that it's not as automatic a re-raise as you implied.
  • BBC Z wrote:
    It's an asterix... I wasn't saying you were wrong just that it's not as automatic a re-raise as you implied.

    Yes that's true. Guess I have allot of pent up aggression, as it comes through in my playing style!! I haven't seen the movie but I think I would be the guy saying Verrrry Aggressive.

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