i'm confused ...sorta...kinda...not really BUT

just want to know...cuz i'm running on empty at the moment

i just got whacked :frown:

was dealt AK

flop went A8A
turn 4
river 4
he had A8 :eek: *whacked*

if he held A2 instead...who would have won?
or is it split pot?



  • if he held A2 it would have been a split pot the best hand possible by both players would be AAA44 your kicker would be irelevent after the river.
  • If he had A2 (or any Ace besides A8), it would be a split pot, since both players would have AAA44 as their best 5 card hand.

  • i thought so...just my head hurts after that beat...

    not really sure if it's a bad beat since i was always behind...just didnt know it :frown:
  • Well yeah I would consider that one (a bad beat), you were way ahead preflop. I had the exact same thing happen to me deep in a tourny last week. Im in SB with AKs and raise a raiser. Flop AAT I bet half my stack (7500) guy calls and hits his 8 on the turn for the A8 fullhouse. It's been one of those weeks. I've been ranked in the top 10 late (2 plus hours) in tournaments and got beaten by inferior hands when all in. I'm feelin' ya.

  • stpboy wrote:
    Well yeah I would consider that one (a bad beat), you were way ahead preflop. I had the exact same thing happen to me deep in a tourny last week. Im in SB with AKs and raise a raiser. Flop AAT I bet half my stack (7500) guy calls and hits his 8 on the turn for the A8 fullhouse. It's been one of those weeks. I've been ranked in the top 10 late (2 plus hours) in tournaments and got beaten by inferior hands when all in. I'm feelin' ya.

    A8 is evil :frown: AA88
  • Lol I figure I might as well get in on this one as much as i hate bad beat posts. I figured out what to do when you flop top 2 pair like all aces did in the rebuy. Get all your chips in against some poor sucker (like me say) who flopped the nut straight and hit your 4-outer. This was in the $3 Rebuys on stars for the Sunday tourney, I'll win a chip for that damn thing yet. FWIW I don't think I could ever fold top 2 pair that late in a tourney. I'd have to have an incredible read on a guy's play and even then I can't imagine being able to do it since there's so many big hands you can beat.

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