Length of Limit Sessions

Just curious how long people play during their limit sessions? Do you have a specific BB/ 100/hr you hit then leave?

I'm starting to play limit seriously. My sessions don't usually last that long right now, maybe an average of 60 hands delt. Though for some reason I usually do well during the first 1/3 of the hands delt and then it dwindles. Usually from a suckouts because I feel like I play the same way throughout.

Do a lot of people do a "hit and run" once they hit a good pot? I'm thinking of doing this now - could be a lot more money in the pocket!



  • I play as long as the time allows me to. If I start out good and double or triple my buyin and then the table changes with different players coming and going I will leave and find a different table. I find that if I play smart I always come out ahead in the end. Sometimes I'm up early and sometimes it might take 3 or 4 orbits before I make any profit. I dont have a set BB/100 or anything.

  • i like to try to stay in a ring game for as long as its good...
    if you feel youre amongst the better players, or if there is someone throwing some cash into every pot, i think you should stay in until you feel you are no longer capable to continue...
    An average session for me is 1hour on 3tables and usually get about 150-175 hands in
  • I usually play for 1.5 to 2 hours, and usually get in at least 250 hands.
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