What do you make of this hand?

Normally I dont like posting hands, but this one I dont get. Really my fault for slow playing trips (stupid me). But that call with q7s? wtf? If he folds, I call at the river, but with the raise and smooth call I figure the smooth call either also has a K or has a weak heart and hes just hoping its good. Note I have replaced names. :-)

And I think its quite obvious I suck at limit, so used to no limit.

(and ive also added the q7s to my player search list. I want to play against him more.)

Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 7: player1 ( $106 )
Seat 10: player2 ( $94 )
Seat 5: grazzy ( $80.5 )
Seat 6: player3 ( $27 )
Seat 8: player4 ( $30 )
Seat 1: player5 ( $159.25 )
Seat 4: player6 ( $61.75 )
Seat 9: player7 ( $76 )
Seat 3: player8 ( $55 )
Seat 2: player9 ( $109 )
player8 posts small blind [$1].
player6 is sitting out.
grazzy posts big blind [$2].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to grazzy [ Ks 8c ]
player6 has left the table.
player3 folds.
player1 folds.
player4 folds.
player7 folds.
player2 raises [$4].
player5 calls [$4].
player8 folds.
grazzy calls [$2].
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kc, Kh, 6h ]
grazzy checks.
player2 bets [$2].
player5 calls [$2].
grazzy calls [$2].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2h ]
grazzy checks.
player2 checks.
player5 checks.
** Dealing River ** [ 9h ]
grazzy checks.
player2 bets [$4].
player5 calls [$4].
grazzy folds.
player2 shows [ Tc, Ts ] two pairs, kings and tens.
player5 doesn't show [ 7d, Qd ] a pair of kings.
player2 wins $25.5


  • grazzt wrote:
    Seat 1 is the button
    Total number of players : 10
    Seat 7: player1 ( $106 )
    Seat 10: player2 ( $94 )
    Seat 5: grazzy ( $80.5 )
    Seat 6: player3 ( $27 )
    Seat 8: player4 ( $30 )
    Seat 1: player5 ( $159.25 )
    Seat 4: player6 ( $61.75 )
    Seat 9: player7 ( $76 )
    Seat 3: player8 ( $55 )
    Seat 2: player9 ( $109 )
    player8 posts small blind [$1].
    player6 is sitting out.
    grazzy posts big blind [$2].
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to grazzy [ Ks 8c ]
    player6 has left the table.
    player3 folds.
    player1 folds.
    player4 folds.
    player7 folds.
    player2 raises [$4].
    player5 calls [$4].
    player8 folds.
    grazzy calls [$2].
    ** Dealing Flop ** [ Kc, Kh, 6h ]
    grazzy checks.
    player2 bets [$2].
    player5 calls [$2].
    grazzy calls [$2].

    Like you have already mentioned, I don't like slow playing trips in limit. Normally you can bet that right out because you will almost certainly get called. Unfortunately you are out of position, and you cannot know what they will do behind you on this street or any other.
    grazzt wrote:
    ** Dealing Turn ** [ 2h ]
    grazzy checks.
    player2 checks.
    player5 checks.

    Somewhat of a scare card for you, but I think you could bet it out here since you called on the flop. Anyone NOT on a flush draw will probably be worried about your early position bet here thinking you made the flush. If you do not get re-raised, you can probably believe to have the best hand (since this is the turn, and a re-raise will be for a big bet by someone with the flush).
    grazzt wrote:
    ** Dealing River ** [ 9h ]
    grazzy checks.
    player2 bets [$4].
    player5 calls [$4].
    grazzy folds.

    And now a real scare card for you with two other players still in the pot. I think you probably made the correct play by folding here. You don't have to give them both credit for having a heart (or a hand), but you probably have to give it to one of them. It wouldn't have been horrible to call either since:

    1. It's limit and you were last to act after your check.
    2. The pot was big enough ($4 into $25).
    grazzt wrote:
    player2 shows [ Tc, Ts ] two pairs, kings and tens.
    player5 doesn't show [ 7d, Qd ] a pair of kings.
    player2 wins $25.5

    player2 didn't play this hand horribly as far as I'm concerned. With no raise on the flop, and no bet on the turn, he/she probably believes they have the best hand. player5 is a calling station, and it's good you put them on your buddy list. =)

    Had you come out betting on the flop, and possibly on the turn (with no re-raise) you would have probably taken this pot. Even if you check on the river, the other two players would have likely checked with no heart. Even if they did bet, you could have called it down with the size of the pot.

    I think you could have taken this down by either, betting out on the flop, or betting out on the turn. Either way, I would reconsider slow playing trips in limit. People will call you down.
  • Ok...If you are asking for advice on this hand here it is. Raise the turn and see if they have a K or a flush, they will re-raise you if they do and even then you might still be good. Checking the river isnt the worst idea in the world considering there are 4 hearts on board but folding might be in a LHE game. I don't like slow playing trips even when the board hasn't paired.

    Example (bad beat story): I have 22 in MP, 5 players, blinds 10/20. Flop 10 6 2 rainbow. EP bets 200. I raise to 800. He goes all in with 10 8 off. I obviously call and he hits his runner runner straight. I would have been super pissed if I would have slow player this guy and he hit his straight, this way I was just "regular" pissed. This happened the other day in a 10+ rebuys tourny, I was down to 250 chips at this point but battled back without having to rebuy and finished 94th out of 908 when my JJ (allin) was beaten by 33..ahhhhh!

    Anyway moral of the story is, dont slow play trips. Especially when the board is scary.

  • You've stumbled onto the secret of winning in low limit. People will call with anything. People will raise with marginal hands on the flop. People will only raise with great hands at the turn or river.

    You just need to bet, raise and bet more often when you have a marginal/good/great hand. The only time you would consider not betting is if you flop a full house or quads. And, even then I would bet it out.

    Also, folding is a great attribute to have in low limits. So, I like your fold, after you chose to not bet out your made hand. However, I really don't like the early check/call.

    Finally, when facing much resistance it's good to Fold.

  • magithighs wrote:
    You've stumbled onto the secret of winning in low limit. People will call with anything. People will raise with marginal hands on the flop. People will only raise with great hands at the turn or river.

    This itself is correct. I dont consider myself a good limit player, but so far at 2/4 at Partypoker, Ive turned a free $50 deal into over $300. People do call down with crap. :) (latest hand was my KJs on a flop of KKxxJ and I bet each round, and A5o called it down all the way. lol, that rocked)
    magithighs wrote:
    You just need to bet, raise and bet more often when you have a marginal/good/great hand. The only time you would consider not betting is if you flop a full house or quads. And, even then I would bet it out.

    Also, folding is a great attribute to have in low limits. So, I like your fold, after you chose to not bet out your made hand. However, I really don't like the early check/call.

    Finally, when facing much resistance it's good to Fold.


    Thanks for all the suggestions.
  • One of the great reasons for giving advice, is that it's more obvious for myself when I'm in that situation.

    Last night @ Party 5/10 Bad Beat (woa 350K jackpot). I get KK UTG. I raise, MP calls as does the button and BB. Four of us see the flop AKQ rainbow. Yikes, JT is a very good possibility. So, I bet, MP raises, Button and BB fold. I think to myself, hmmm...should I call and pop it at the turn. Nah, after all I just posted on this very subject!!

    So, I raise back and MP calls. Turn is a 7, with two clubs on board. I bet, MP calls. River is a very nice Q. I bet, MP raises. Ok, he could have QQ or AA and if he does I'm going to pay him off damit. Cause he can have KQ, AQ, or even Q7 (yess that's a possibility at 5/10 on Party!). So, we cap the river. I take the pot and check his hand. The bozo had QJ.

    If I had check-raised the turn, there would have been a good possiblity

    a) I would have lost him or
    b) I would have missed a bet as he would have checked the turn

    This way I believe I extracted the most from the bozo.

    Don't ask me about the rest of my night. I blew a tournament putting all my chips in as a slight favourite and lost. I subsequently went on tournament tilt -- constantly entering tournaments and losing cause I was willing to gamble as a favourite, and constantly getting out drawn. Then, I lost about 20BB at the limit tables -- not tilting badly, just playing a "flyer" here and there and exacerbating a very cold night. Ouch.

  • the two hearts on the board and the fact that i have an eight kicker would have made me raise on the flop to get a feel for where i stand in the hand and whose on a flush draw.Bet the turn see if anyone made the flush draw, by betting you also represent the flush and hopefully lose some players at least make them a little more cautious of your hand.

    And i too would like to play against buddy with the Q7 if he still has any money left.
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