$10+1 rebuy hands.

Hi all,

Here are some hands from Monday night's rebuy tournament on Stars (as requested! :wink: ).
I think I finished somewhere in the 20's. Obviously, there were many other hands as well--some steals, some big hands--but I just thought I'd share these ones. Any comments appreciated.

1000/2000, 100 ante. My stack 26K, avg. 40K

I'm BB with K2o. Folded to the button, who makes it 6K, I re-raise all-in for 20K more, and he folds.

1500/3000, 150 ante, my stack 43K, avg. 50K

I'm BB with 3d 4h. Folded to MP who makes it 6K to go, and the cut-off and button both just call. SB folds, and I decide to call 3K more.

Flop: Qc 3c 6d. Checked around.
Turn: 6c. I check, MP bets 3K, folded to me and I call.
River: Jc. I lead out and bet 9K. MP folds.

Same level, my stack 65k, avg. 52K

I'm BB with 7c Td. Folded to SB who just calls, and I check.

Flop: Kd 5c 2h. SB bets 3K, I make it 9K, SB folds.

2000/4000, ante 200, my stack 108k, avg. 75K

I'm SB with Kd Qd. Folded to button who makes it 12K. I call, BB folds.

Flop: Jc Kc 4h. I check, button bets 4K, I call.
Turn: 8s. I check, button bets 16K, I call.
River: 2c. I bet 12K, button folds.

3000/6000, ante 300, my stack 145K, avg. 90K.

Folded to me in MP with Q9o, I make it 18K, everyone folds.

Same level.

I make it 18K UTG with Ac 6c, and everyone folds.

Same level.

I'm SB with Js Qc. MP raises the minimum to 12K, and only I call.

Flop: 3h 6d 5s. I bet 18K, MP folds.

4000/8000, ante 400, my stack 200K, avg. 140K.

I'm SB with 2h 7c. Folded to me and I call. BB has 48K before posting and checks.

Flop: Ks 8d 9h. I bet 8K, BB folds.

6000/12000, ante 600, my stack 205K, avg. 160K.

I'm SB with Ac Qc. MP makes it 36K and only I call.

Flop: 9d Ts 8d. I bet 36K, MP folds.

Same level, my stack 255K, avg. 170K.

I have 69o in MP, raise it to 36K and get no callers.

Same level, my stack 300K, avg. 180K.

I have Ad Qc in MP and make it 36K. Only the SB (144K before posting) calls.

Flop: 6d Tc Jh. SB bets 24K, I call.
Turn: 2s. SB bets 36K, I call.
River: Qd. SB checks, I bet 48K, and he folds.

Same level, my stack 420K, avg. 200K.

Folded to me in SB with 79o, and I make it 48K. BB re-raises all-in for another 44K. I call, he has AQo. 7 on the flop, ace on the river, and oops.

Same level My stack 330K, avg. 200K.

I have Ac Qs on the button. MP just calls (loose preflop standards/336K) and I make it 48K. He re-raises to 84K, and I call.

Flop: Qc Ts As. He bets 36K, and I move in. He calls. He has TT for bottom set.
Turn: 5s
River: Kd.


I usually don't like to bust out when I have a nice stack late in a tourney (who does?) but I felt I had to go with that hand and that flop. Perhaps some of you could have gotten away from it, but I don't have that fold in me yet. Ugh.



  • all_aces wrote:
    I usually don't like to bust out when I have a nice stack late in a tourney (who does?) but I felt I had to go with that hand and that flop. Perhaps some of you could have gotten away from it, but I don't have that fold in me yet. Ugh.


    Great showing.

    One of the toughest things for me, is properly assessing the skills of my opponents and accepting what I know is correct. There are very few players with enough skills to try and steal that pot, and figure out that you can fold something like AK in that situation.

    If you can read the MP as an average player, would they move in with anything other than the nut str8 (loose pre-flop) or a set? The fold becomes much easier if you assume that the player is in the bottom 90 percentile of players. And even if he was in the top 10 percentile it's an extremely tough play without a set or nut str8.

    Allways assume your opponent is much worse than you. You'll be right virtually every time.

  • If you can read the MP as an average player, would they move in with anything other than the nut str8 (loose pre-flop) or a set?

    Unfortunately, I moved in on him, not vice-versa, but your point is a good one. I felt there were quite a few hands that I could beat that he could call my all-in with, and with the dangerous draws on the flop I didn't want to slowplay what I thought was the best hand. Ugh ugh ugh. Thanks for reading that far!
  • Ooops, read that wrong. Hmmm.... I think I might have moved all-in on that as well. Maybe we need something for our aggression.

  • LOL. Nahhhh... I'd do the same thing next time I think, although there are arguments for all of the other options I had, as well.
  • thx for posting all_aces :biggrin:
  • Top Two Vs Str or flush Draw and Sets

    My last three tourney exits have been due to top two pair. This hand Kills me.

    What do you do to drop these hands? What are you looking for to tell you your no good?


    Me Mp, 9h6h - limp in about 15XBB

    UTG raises 2x BB

    I raise 4X and have two callers.

    Flop 9 7 6,

    I bet 1xBB, get two callers.

    Turn 2

    bet 3xBB one drops and get one caller.

    River Q

    Bet 4XBB and Im commited as I have 3BB left, get raised all in. I call.

    I see a str on the flop. I go to play ring games.

    But Last WPC tourney it was AQ vs JT flop comes AQ3, I push 30% in but get called. Turn 4, I push all in and get called River is K.

    Too Agresssive? Should the call tell me to slow down? Or are these the beats I should expect to take? playing that aggressive Im easy to trap, but when do you see the traps or I guess what tips you off to those traps?

    Obviously the second is a bad call on the others part, however, I keep seeing these type of beats to two pair. Am I tipping something off?

  • Redington wrote:
    Top Two Vs Str or flush Draw and Sets

    My last three tourney exits have been due to top two pair. This hand Kills me.

    What do you do to drop these hands? What are you looking for to tell you your no good?


    Me Mp, 9h6h - limp in about 15XBB

    UTG raises 2x BB

    I raise 4X and have two callers.

    Not sure what you mean here -- UTG raised and you re-raised (original line said you limped).

    No matter, this was a big leak in my game. Playing speculative hands in middle position with a short/medium stack. You don't have enough chips to exert big pressure and make the draws pay and/or get away from top two-pair and survive with a decent stack. Real easy to fix this problem -- dump marginal hands when short/medium stacked, even if you're in late position.

    Redington wrote:
    But Last WPC tourney it was AQ vs JT flop comes AQ3, I push 30% in but get called. Turn 4, I push all in and get called River is K.

    Too Agresssive? Should the call tell me to slow down? Or are these the beats I should expect to take? playing that aggressive Im easy to trap, but when do you see the traps or I guess what tips you off to those traps?

    Obviously the second is a bad call on the others part, however, I keep seeing these type of beats to two pair. Am I tipping something off?


    What was 30% of your stack in relation to the blinds/pot size? If it's less than 3/4 of the pot, I'd be more inclined to push the whole thing in. Also, if it's in the late stages, I'd be more inclined to push the whole thing in. With a 25BB large stack relative to the blinds, I'd put a post-sized check-raise in. With a large stack, I'd bet the pot.

  • all_aces wrote:
    Same level, my stack 255K, avg. 170K.

    I have 69o in MP, raise it to 36K and get no callers.
    You da man!!

    I cannot pull the trigger like this!

    On the hand you bust on... what did you think he had? He limped/re-raised pre-flop... and then bets 36K into a 196K pot with a very scary board... this is screaming TRAP... but then again, I probably do the same!

    Anyway... nice work!
  • Thanks dude. Yeah, I know... it did look like a trap bet, you're right. This player in particular was making unusual bets all over the place though, which might be why I didn't spot it. Or, I was so excited about flopping top two that I ignored it, which is something I'll have to work on. Before getting all excited about what I have, maybe I should take a closer look at the action, and the hand from my opponent's perspective.
  • AA.

    It seems I can get almost to the same area as you, and then I get a brain cramp.

    Last night, same tourney as this, in EP I raise all in with K 4 sooted. I believe I was too clever for myself as twice before I did this and had the goods. AA the first and KK the second time.

    Both times I wanted to make it look like I was trying to seal the blinds, hence the all in when not nessassary. Both times I got called by one or two players with under pairs and won.

    The blinds were 2k/4k - 200 ante and tried this move again. SB had QQ and called. Needless to say, I was stupid! But with 30-40K left, I seem to panic.

    What advice would you give in this situation? I know I can't let my stack get down far enough that if I go all in, most players would call anyways.

    A raise instead have been the right play, and look for scare cards?

    Rob M.
  • Hi Rob,

    When I make those kinds of plays from EP or MP, it's usually when I have more than 10XBB, and I usually don't commit my whole stack. From LP, or in the blinds, I admit it's a different story on both counts.

    The only hands that are going to call a bet that size from an EP raiser (you) are hands that beat you (as you know). So basically you're gambling that nobody at the table has a hand worth 40K. It's not a bad bet against typical opponents with typical stacks, but it's not a necessary one when you can wait a couple of hands and make plays from the blinds (against possible steals) or plays from LP yourself.

    I do like the way you 'set your table up' with the all-in moves with big hands earlier, but no amount of setting up will make someone fold a really big hand if they happen to pick one up preflop. Like I said, it's a gamble, and I'm all for gambling at 10XBB, but I think you can wait until you're not up against the whole table to do so.

    In short, I'd fold this hand, and look to save all of your chips for the blinds, where it's much easier to make a play with a 10XBB stack. Basically, if a fairly aggressive LP player tries to steal your BB with a typical raise, you push all-in with any two. You have enough chips to make him fold a lot of hands, and this type of play has a better chance of working than all-in from EP with a weak hand, IMO.

    Hope that helped,
  • magithighs wrote:
    Not sure what you mean here -- UTG raised and you re-raised (original line said you limped).

    Yes, but when the BB raised to only 2X, I decided to raise. A Call screamed weakness from me.
    magithighs wrote:
    No matter, this was a big leak in my game. Playing speculative hands in middle position with a short/medium stack. You don't have enough chips to exert big pressure and make the draws pay and/or get away from top two-pair and survive with a decent stack. Real easy to fix this problem -- dump marginal hands when short/medium stacked, even if you're in late position.

    Ooooooohhhh but they were soooooooted! This makes alot of sense. This is the biggest leak in my game. Being so aggressive I pick up alot of pots, BUT I end up losing them when I refuse to admit I'm beat. Then I start building my stack again and run up against a monster, back to building.
    magithighs wrote:
    What was 30% of your stack in relation to the blinds/pot size? If it's less than 3/4 of the pot, I'd be more inclined to push the whole thing in. Also, if it's in the late stages, I'd be more inclined to push the whole thing in. With a 25BB large stack relative to the blinds, I'd put a post-sized check-raise in. With a large stack, I'd bet the pot.


    This was early in a tourney, say 25/50 and my stack awas 1200

    Thanks, but even as Im writing this Im thinking I know what the problem is.
    Maybe I should learn Im not going to win every hand.

  • I think your last hand was a good aggressive play in regards to what you flopped. If he had moved in on you then it would probably be a weak a call seeing as how he raised you preflop. But betting the top two pair strongly is what I would have done. I always wana pick up the pot without letting him catch, and if he does have the set or straight then I'm drawing at a full house and have a few outs anyways.

    You thought you were ahead. You bet aggressively. I don't see anything wrong with that style of play.

    PS: Your posts are always interesting as hell. Thanks for the effort put into that.
  • moments wrote:
    PS: Your posts are always interesting as hell. Thanks for the effort put into that.

    I agree!!

    You should get out and do something different, get out from behind that camera! Like write a column or make a movie........ Oh you have done that!.........never mind. :tongue:
  • Your posts are always interesting as hell. Thanks for the effort put into that.
    Thanks guys, much appreciated. Moments, as for your take on my bust-out hand, I agree! (Surprise surprise...) I'd probably play it the same way next time. I'd like to think that I wouldn't, and that I'd be able to get away from the hand, but realistically I don't think I could, especially online. (In a live game, there's a (small) chance that I'd be able to pick up what Dave refers to as a 'massive adrenaline response' IIRC, but my spidey senses aren't as developed as his.)

    I guess I could have played it slower and just called his flop bet, but the board was plenty scary, so I didn't want to risk a cheap turn card in case it helped any number of hands my opponent could have had.

  • Congrats on the finish. I have yet to ever play a $10+1 rebuy, but I may try soon. You always seem to do well in these AA.
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