I want to cry

Level 4 of the Party Poker Steps ($500 + $35) ... My personal largest buy-in ever

Not sure if this qualifies as a bad beat, since pre-flop i wasn't a dog or ahead :)

***** Hand History for Game 1383110001 *****
NL Hold'em Trny:8364714 Level:1 Blinds (10/15) - Monday, January 03, 00:03:31 EDT 2005
Table 4th Step 2-Table(197698) Table #1 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: Unflappable ( $970 )
Seat 2: groooorg ( $1030 )
Seat 3: nkapoor ( $965 )
Seat 4: rcputt1 ( $985 )
Seat 5: DutchCrunch ( $970 )
Seat 6: teabagtony ( $1325 )
Seat 7: FLYINGKBAR ( $880 )
Seat 8: mrree ( $975 )
Seat 9: ariplacrates ( $925 )
Seat 10: VeryEzJob4Me ( $975 )
Trny:8364714 Level:1
Blinds (10/15)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to nkapoor [ Ad Ah ]
rcputt1 raises [30].
DutchCrunch folds.
teabagtony folds.
FLYINGKBAR calls [30].
mrree calls [30].
ariplacrates folds.
VeryEzJob4Me folds.
Unflappable folds.
groooorg folds.
nkapoor raises [235].
rcputt1 raises [440].
mrree folds.
nkapoor is all-In [715]
rcputt1 calls [495].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 9c, Kc, Qc ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6c ]
** Dealing River ** [ 6s ]
rcputt1 shows [ Ac, As ] a flush, ace high.
nkapoor shows [ Ad, Ah ] two pairs, aces and sixes.
Player nkapoor finished in 19 place
rcputt1 wins 2000 chips from the main pot with a flush, ace high.
nkapoor has left the table.


  • I believe I was watching the WCOOP final ($400k+ for 1st) two tables play when some poor soul busted AA vs AA on a 4 card flush. I think that outcome is by far the harshest that HE can offer..
  • That totally sucks. At least the guy had aces! :wink:

    Did you actually pony up the cash for this one or qualify from an earlier step? Either way: OUCH!

    You must have gone through all the emotions on this one. Anticipation at seeing the aces. Excitement at seeing some raises to your right. Elation at seeing someone stupid enough to call your raises. Complete confidence before the flop. Letdown at seeing he has aces too. Utter panic when you see 3 of a suit on the flop. Total defeat when you realize you aren't going to split this pot. (I don't know party - so if they don't show the cards when everyone is all-in, I would add mounting dread to the list as you see 4 of a suit hit the board.) This hobby sure can drain you. And it can really damage your computer and residence...

    I feel for you, man. Dust yourself off and get back in there. I think you played the hand spot on, your bets were correct for the size of the pot when it got to you. You just got unlucky. Arghhhhhh!
  • I know it's a fluke but considering the relatively flat payout structure, the lose hurts even more.

    I'll be honest after it happened, i just looked at the screen and said ... 'i played it properly'
  • tough beat :frown:
  • Man, that had to hurt. Feel for you Chugs. I think you played it right, just flukey win for the other guy, that's all. Like Pkrfc said, don't let it get you too down. S**t happens
  • lol ouch :eek:
  • You played the cards you were dealt. Not your fault. But I'll betcha it doesn't happen to you again soon? lol That's gotta be some longshot. Tough way to lose though. I've had a couple hands where after an Ace-suited-suited flop, my Ace/ lowkickersuited 4 flushed someone with an A/ higherkicker offsuit. I've lost a few that way too. But never seen aces vs aces do it yet. It's tough, but that's poker. :)

    I have a theory. It's probably not new. Just simple math and common sense. If you play cards often enough and long enough, eventually you will see every possible combination of hands.
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