7 Stud HI/LO

Ive always heard how big names in poker usually started out playing 5 card draw or stud and then moved on to holdem. I started playing home games like cowboy, holdem and omaha but never ventured much into the the 7 stud world...
I tried it on party the other day and was having a blast, I really enjoyed playing the HI/LO tables and now I want to get some books on some good stratedgy for stud. It was't tough to pick up the general concept of how it supposed to be played but it would be really interesting to read a book from a pro and see what their view on the game would be.
Im glad that I've ventured into this new territory!

ps..anyone know any good 7 stud hi/lo books?


  • Ray Zee's High Low Split Poker is an excellent book and a must read if you are getting into Stud 8. The first half is on Stud 8 and the 2nd half is Omaha 8. Check out as well the stud forum at twoplustwo and www.studstrategy.com. That 2nd site has some good basic info although a few of their points are suspect... I don't remember which, but I just remember it's not all something that everyone agrees on (there was a thread on twoplustwo that dealt with it, but overall the advice there is pretty decent).

    I've read the old SuperSystem section on Stud Hi/Low, which isn't exactly the same as playing with the 8 or better qualifier, but it's reasonable if you adjust for the differences. The new edition of Supersystem is supposed to have a Stud 8 chapter, which I can't wait to read.

    There is an article by Lou Krieger on Stud 8 starting hands in the archives at cardplayer.com as well. There really doesn't seem to be that much printed on Stud 8 strategy, at least that I've been able to find, so if you find anything else please let me know.

    HEYA.. So far i have had decent successes in hi lo games. I learned stud hi/lo from a combo of practice and reading the Zee book and the chapter in the supersystem. After reading the supersystem stuff, I realized holy shit, I need to study math! Its all about counting outs and knowing where your opponent is at, what they are thinking (ie they going hi or lo, what have they read, and where they put you at.. etc...) Man, I will say though the math can get annoying as all hell!

    As for omaha hi lo, i learned it from playin it, but mainly from going over to my friends houses that play the 200 400 HU on UB and the big game on stars. That taught me alot. It is unreal how much people can lose in one session of HU omaha hi/lo.


  • nice thanks for the info, i will definatey look into those books, and i will for sure pick up a copy of the new supersystem.

    And I am working on my math bigtime, I have always been weak in math and have played on my gut, instincts and experience I have been able to gather up and some basic pot odds and whatnot, hopefully some of these books will clear The path a bit.

    Thanks again!!
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