Party STT Steps challenge

Anyone playing the single table steps tournys on party poker. I made it into step 2 and will try that tonight. Anyone have any experience level 3 and up.

BTW, anyone know who gigabet from Kingston is? This guy is whoring the step 5 tables.



  • I won my first two steps and got killed when my kings got cracked.

    I will try again!

    5 steps and $ 7000.00. that works for me! :biggrin:

    Rob M
  • Playing the single table steps right now.

    Just went through 1st, 2nd and 3rd steps. Waiting for the 4th to fill up. This is first time playing this step game. Very interesting. I play these like a single table turbo SNG. Don't limp in. Raise or fold. After the 1st step the game becomes really tight. The 2nd and 3rd step game play is very similar. It actually feels like the gameplay in our tournaments.

    My 4th level table just filled up. I'll update later.
  • Just finished the 4th level. Pulled a miracle out of my ass. Did a stupid call and was left with 90 chips with 9 people still left. Payout is 1-4 freerol into 5th level, 5 freeroll into 4th level, 6-8 freeroll into 2nd level and 9/10 drop out.

    I figured with the stupid call I would drop out. But luckily some other person dropped out first! And then 2 more dropped out against AA. I doubled up a few times and came in 3rd! Now I'm going to play the 5th level. Payout is 1st - $4500, 2nd - $2500, 3rd - $1800, 4-$1200. I just want to place top 4. Those amounts are huge in my eyes considering I only spent $12 to play the first level.

    Lets see what I can do. Wish me luck!
  • Just finished the 5th level. Placed 2nd!! Woo Payout of $2500. Nice! Biggest winning I've ever gotten. My Christmas present! haha =) :biggrin:

    The blinds were like 300/600 and it was basically all-in every hand or fold. Got busted out with K7 vs A3...high card won. Almost had him but he doubled up the hand before. I had A6 vs A8 and flop hit an A and paired up 7s. His 8 kicker won. =(

    I'm very pleased with my play except during the 4th level were I got extremely lucky. I played these levels one after another so at least I know I can be consistent!

    Here's some stats from when I played. Note these are continuous and not just on each level.

    Level.........................1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
    Hands Played..............55 140 209 262 340
    Hands Won %.............18 18 17 17 17
    Showdowns Won %.....75 81 81 81 78
    Flops Seen %..............12 13 15 15 15
    Win % if Flops Seen.....42 47 48 51 50
    Place..........................2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd

    The placing didn't really matter except on the 5th level. Once everyone knew that they got a freeroll into the next level they just went all-in.

    If anyone want anymore details let me know. I'll see what I can do.
  • congrats on the win!
  • I'll be making my attempt after midnight. start at level 3 and hopefully end up winning 5th.
    Congrats on the nice win.,

  • Sorry to come and ask this so late, but I just noticed this yesterday on party and was not sure what it was, would anybody be able to explain what it is and how it works? It would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks, Anton
  • Anton81 wrote:
    Sorry to come and ask this so late, but I just noticed this yesterday on party and was not sure what it was, would anybody be able to explain what it is and how it works? It would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks, Anton

    You have 5 steps to play.

    If you finish 1st or 2nd in the steps you move up. Check their web site it is clearly described.

    I like the idea. Played again, Moved up to level 2.
  • TiMSuM wrote:
    Just finished the 5th level. Placed 2nd!! Woo Payout of $2500. Nice! Biggest winning I've ever gotten. My Christmas present! haha =) :biggrin:
    BIG CONGRATULATIONS TiMSuM :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

    $2500 makes a pretty nice Xmas present indeed

    wtg dude
  • ahh perfect!! thanks for the link, i will definately try it out!!!
  • bah, busted out on step 4. AA got cracked by JJ on the flop.
    Oh well. I will be trying again.

  • congrats man, i've played level 1 and 2 ... i'm on level 3 now, but haven't had time to put 2 hours aside and play it yet.

    i think the step system isn't half bad, but that's mainly because i find i do okay in super satellite type environments, which is what these tournies in the first levels amount to.

    but you're right about people tightening up ALOT, for most of them suddenly they're playing a $50 or $200 buy-in tourney now ... so they want to bring they're 'A' game which means a skilled player even on the short stack, if they're agressive at the blinds can do well
  • I agree, I just tried it out and noticed that that was the big thing, tightening up! Everyone closes up. Mind you there are always still a few loose canons lol. Step 5 here i come!!
  • I actually found the first step the hardest. Since there's only 2 places that move on and the rest drop out. The players' strategy also vary much more in this level. The second step you have to place top 4 to go anywhere. After that you just can't be the first two out. I'll be trying this again soon with hopefully the same results!
    BTW, anyone know who gigabet from Kingston is? This guy is whoring the step 5 tables

    I had this guy at my 5th step table. He finished 5th or 6th I believe. I also saw him on numerous other 5th level tables. I wonder if this guy is buying in straight to the 5th level or not. His profile says he's from Waterloo.
  • earlier i was watchin' the step5 table

    and Gigabet was at 3 step5 tables (singletables)

    and he took first in 1 of them ($4500)

  • HEY

    My experience with step tourneys is ok. I made it to step 5 off 12$, on the two tablers. Came 6th so no money.. sucked bad, i bounced two people but was completely card dead on final table.
    Played one hand, UTG b4 my t$400 BB and i had t$840 after folding SO MANY hands in a row due to preflop raises and reraises every hand and me having 92o. No room to make a move and no hands sucks!!!!!!!!! I lost the one hand, came 6th. No money, 12 dollar quest to 9k not to be.

    I have heard through the poker world that MANY top pros are playin them now (the 5's and the 1k's.) I think this has been slightly proven by that bonehead shulemans article on carplayer right now. What a waste of space that article.

  • HEY

    My experience with step tourneys is ok. I made it to step 5 off 12$, on the two tablers. Came 6th so no money.. sucked bad, i bounced two people but was completely card dead on final table.
    Played one hand, UTG b4 my t$400 BB as i had a mere t$840 from being blinded off folding SO MANY hands in a row. I had to fold due to preflop raises and reraises every hand and me having 92o every hand. No room to make a move and no hands sucks!!!!!!!!! I lost the one hand I played, came 6th. No money, 12 dollar quest to 9k not to be.

    I have heard through the poker world that MANY skilled pros are playin them now (the 5's and the 1k's.) I think this has been slightly proven by that bonehead shulemans article on carplayer right now. What a waste of space that article.

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