are cards dealt really random random?

are cards dealt really random random?

or is it determined by how you play your hands?

say you get dealt KK and you just limp in vs raising

will the cards on the flop be any different?

another ex. you get dealt K5 and you muck

and flop comes 555

any thoughts? :confused:


  • are cards dealt really random random?


    I sure hope so.
  • Yeah, I always get the feeling that they drop the cards that you had folded so maybe you go in the hand next time thinking you may fold like a Q,3 off for example and you hit 3 queens, maybe they hope next time you will play it, i dunno, i have no idea, but thats a good question!
  • That's rediculous.
  • Online, cards are NOT random. It's likely a close approximation, but they can never be trully random, unless they're using an anolog method. Strangely enough, there was/is a comopany using a lava lamp to generate random numbers. Cool concept.

    Now, are physical cards trully random? IMO, they are not. The reason is that the decks are sorted according to rank and suit when they first come out of the box. In fact casinos make use of this non-randomness to stack their odds on Blackjack. If the cards were in play for over a couple of hours, then they get close to being random. But there's always some bozo who wants a setup.

    And then there's the human mind. It naturally tries to identify patterns where there are none. It's an instinct we have, which helps us survive. But it does make us see patterns that don't really exist. Things like, whenever I fold 72, the flop comes with three 2s.

    So, no cards are not random. But there is no pattern to the non-randomness. So, you can't conclude that because cards are not random that when you fold K5 the flop will come with two 5s.

  • moments wrote:
    That's rediculous.
    what's rediculous?
  • The whole idea that if you fold q3 then 33x will hit the flop. And conversely if you play the q3 then it won't happen. If you are this paranoid you shouldn't be playing online poker.

    The other day I raised UTG with 45 of spades trying to pick up the blinds. I had one caller and then was re-raised by one of the blinds. I folded and the flop came down a23 (two spades). This was purely coincidental and I will always fold it to a re-raise.

    Anyone who has played enough poker, live and online, will have see many instances such as this. If you play every hand then of course you are going to get monster flops every now and then. Just because you fold q3 and 33x comes down it doesnt mean shit. My advice is when you fold your hands stop looking at what "would of" happened.

    Sorry for the lack of explanation last time, I was in a hurry. I probably shouldn't of posted.
  • Have a look at this recent thread:

    Yes, Virginia, the cards are random. Random enough, anyway.

    Casinos use non-randomness of cards to their advantage in blackjack? I'd have to see a serious article on this before I'd believe this is anything but an advantage to the players rather than the house.
  • magithighs wrote:
    Strangely enough, there was/is a comopany using a lava lamp to generate random numbers.
    Are lava lamps really random random?
  • moments wrote:
    The whole idea that if you fold q3 then 33x will hit the flop. And conversely if you play the q3 then it won't happen. If you are this paranoid you shouldn't be playing online poker.

    I am not this paranoid at all, I was just saying that maybe it was a possibility that the site was trying give this feeling off, not saying that this was my conclusion, just an idea geared towards newer players.

    And on a side note I have heard that generating random numbers is one of the toughest operations a computer can do. Anyone know if this is true?
  • Anton81 wrote:
    And on a side note I have heard that generating random numbers is one of the toughest operations a computer can do. Anyone know if this is true?

    Well, the lottery supposedly draws 6 random numbers and a bonus number (from 49 possible numbers) for every draw. Do you trust that these draws are truly random?

    I would imagine it can't be too hard to assign every card a different number 1-52 and then shuffle the order randomly before dealing them out to the players, for the flop, turn, and the river. But I really have no idea.

    If you go to they have a lot of info (at least they used to, i havent checked in a while) about random card generators and why they believe their software is more random than the other sites.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Are lava lamps really random random?

    pkrfce9, maybe you think that was funny, but it's really not
    appropriate. This is a POKER site. Your post had nothing to
    do with POKER. Please stop posting about light bulbs. If you do
    want to post about light bulbs please go to

    had to throw this in.All be it borrowed from the proffesor in a previous post it somehow applies.
  • yubyub1978 wrote:
    All be it borrowed from the proffesor in a previous post it somehow applies.

    You spelled 'professor' wrong. Lol!

    For a second I was almost outraged but then I remembered the previous post...
  • Are lava lamps really random random?
    Apparently they are.
    I respectfully disagree... from one of your links:
    A digital camera periodically photographs a set of six Lava Lite lamps, each one generally in a different stage of activity. The camera adds its own electronic noise to the data,...
    If lava lamps were really random, you wouldn't need 6 of them, and you wouldn't have to add the camera's electronic noise to the data. This concept just uses a "chaos" source to create a "pseudo-random" generator.... and a very good one apparently.

    However... they are not random!

    ...and yubyub... very nice! LOL!!
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