WORST luck ever in a TOURNY - COMP problems

Hey all,

I was recently involved in a tourny on ULTIMATE BET, as i usually am. I had yet to make it to a final table in any of these larger tournys. There were over 1000 people in this tourny and the house had added $5000 to the pot.

I was playing very well, and felt like I was in the 'matrix' as all of my AK AQ 10's etc were seeming to always hold up. After the first 2 hours I was in the top 30 and was moving up. I finally made it to the final 2 tables, and had built up a nice stack. As we were closing in on the final table I was 4th overall in chips, with 600,000, and was playing very aggressive and had a lot of respect.

With 1st place paying $4000. The other top 4 places paid out over $1200 ea. and I had a trip to Vegas or a trip to visit my buddy in Antigua in my eyes.

As we starting loading to the final table, the unthinkable happen. My comp lost its Internet connection. 'NOOOOOOOOOoooooooo this isnt happening' I ran upstairs to the modem and back downstairs reset it a total of 4 or 5 times, and it wasnt working!! Finally i discovered that the cat had perhaps earlyer disconnected the cord behind the comp, which for seem reason decided at that EXACT moment to become dislodged. FACK!!! I then still had to restart my comp, and by the time I finally got back in I only had 100,000 chips left and the blinds were 40,000 or 50000. The other players were felt my pain and asked 'where i was'. I ended up finishing in 7th (2 people were already out by the time i got in). I won $400 but the way i was playing, I believe I would have won or at least placed in the TOP 4. DAMN!! ahhh well, I laughed about it then and I can only laugh about it now.

What a shitty thing to happen, but it does.

Since then though I have had a lot of confidence playing in UB tournys and have placed in the $$ in probably 50% of the BIG tournys Ive played in. The best finish since has been 8th for only $90 or so.

I am still looking for that 1st or 2nd place finish and that 'TRIP SOUTH' payout.

Hopefully it will come soon.

Moral of the story: Keep the cat away from the damn computer, and check all your DAMN CONNECTIONS!.....HAHAHAHAH


  • Moral of the story: Keep the cat away from the damn computer, and check all your DAMN CONNECTIONS!.....HAHAHAHAH

    The moral of your story is to have a backup plan that can get you back online as fast as possible. If you want to play big stakes online poker, it's a must. You could easily find an ISP that will give you a dial up connection for a few bucks a month..
  • Tough one BC. I kind of know how you feel. On Thursday my PC wouldn't boot anymore. Some kinda config error. Kept locking up on the post screen just as the bios would be loading. Needless to say I was freaking. lol Instead of emergency service right before the big event, I chose to just leave it turned on for 2 days, once I got it to boot. The error only seemed to happen from a cold boot state. (turns out it may be a weak secondary hard drive that it was having trouble detecting) Scary moment though. lol At least I still have my old PC, and could have loaded the poker software in a hurry if I needed to use it.
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